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December 29th, 2011 at 09:38 pm
The hanging bottles of Saving Some $$'s...
Text is
http://youtu.be/ugc71yhAfV0 and Link is
Love it...now, if he could just figure out how to recirculate from the bottom back to the top on the cheap with a Rube Goldberg...way to also drip in some plant food it would be totally self sufficient except for the planting and harvesting...LOVE IT!!! YUM...cheap eats!
AND, I'm back to making more regular bank runs - taking the weekly change savings to the bank and then moving them online to get a few pennies of interest cooking. Today's haul from Pigger? $5.30.
P.S. In case you missed it, check out my earlier blog this morning for a video interview of Ms. Amy Dacyczyn of Tightwad Gazette fame.
Posted in
Kitchen Dough,
Bank Runs
December 29th, 2011 at 01:07 pm
Hey boys and girls - I just ran across this interview and enjoyed remembering how excited I was when I first ran across this woman and her writings. What a nice gift to get a glimpse of her in person and to see inside her lovely home...every time I tried to forget my way? She sparked my Frugalicious Gene (TM) back into action!!
Text is
http://www.savvyhousekeeping.com/interview-with-amy-dacyczyn/ and Link is
http://www.savvyhousekeeping.com/interview-with-amy-dacycz...Video interview with Amy Dacyczyn of The Tightwad Gazette
Posted in
Frugalicious Gene (TM)
December 15th, 2011 at 03:02 pm
Hey guys, there's a friend I'm wanting to help. I used this tool and now want to pass it on. I'm wanting to find a guy on here who had some nice grids that were used to help you pay things off early. He had one shaped like a house and one shaped like a car. You gave each gridblock a dollar amount towards the total owed and then colored in each block when you paid that portion down. A visual aid to help you pay down your debts. Anybody remember who I'm talking about? Or do you have a copy of those aids?
I was reminded yesterday and have started it up again...of a little trick I used to play with myself. Yesterday I drove an hour out of town to a funeral. On the way there I did use the turnpike to the tune of about $2.50. I decided I would come home the other way and save the change. I also was planning to stop at MickeyD's and buy myself a smoothie for breakfast - I had already had a banana. I sailed on past the exit and saved myself $2.32. I ALWAYS stop at my favorite restaraunt in this town to buy myself some of the best hot dogs to be had for lunch. Didn't do it - had half a pimento cheese sandwich at Dad's house. Saved myself about $4.00. So when I got home I rounded up those savings and came home and sent $10 online to my Roth. Not a big savings day, and not a total No Spend day but over time these are the things that can help you add up to a comfortable retirement. Here's to saving!!!
Somebody asked the other day about CashHappy & FrugalSon. They are both at home (disabled) and doing well as of the moment. CashHappy dug himself a deep debt hole while gone from home that we are slowly digging him out from. Of note for FrugalSon is that because of new BUSY traffic location he won't be able to drive from here to a job. So, we sold his little vehicle and moved those dollars into his ROTH as he only worked half a year this year and that just covered that half year income plus a little bit more that we just moved to regular savings. He's a happy camper and not as upset by this necessity as many guys his age would be. Both will be looking for new jobs after the Christmas holiday is over. Guess who'll be back to playing taxi-mom?
Anybody have a link to that guy's blog mentioned above????? Thanks bunches.
Posted in
No Spend Days,
August 31st, 2010 at 09:35 pm
We've been looking for a new cabinet to go over the stool in the bathroom remodel. The one I had up there was an antique-y looking one (crackle paint & old hardware) and Hubster thought it time for something else for prospective buyers. Ehhh.
The ones at the big box stores look like crap and they wanted at minimum $115 plus tax for them. I had checked at three different stores and nothing looked any good and the prices seemed awfully exaggerated for what you were getting. No sale.
CashHappySon and I went yesterday to metro area to do some banking and while we were there I thought we might as well take a chance and look at Habitat for Humanity's resale Store where they sell old and new lumber type items. Score! I wasn't exactly sure it would work so took Hubster over there today and we found the closet doors we also need for another room and the right cabinet. Total for 2 solid wood louvered closet doors and a bathroom cabinet? $16.28. Yippy-Ya! Lurv a good bargain.
I will have to repaint the cabinet, but I don't mind - I'd much rather do that than overpay for something ugly to begin with. I'll try to get some pics of the before & after looks to post later.
Also, I will likely take the old cabinet to the junque' booth and sell it at a good profit. It'll be all profit as I got it for free to begin with.
Posted in
Kiss My Assets,
The Hubster,
August 28th, 2010 at 11:40 am
This past week - we've met with and ordered from our plumbing contractor a new bathtub and surround, which will run about $1610 installed. Had to do it - the vinyl bathtub has been cracked for awhile (whoever installed it before we bought the house did not get the concrete base down correctly) and the tape job Hubster did to keep it from leaking was an okay short-term fix, but it's been needing doing, so we're biting the bullet. One less thing for potential buyers to balk at.
I went earlier in the week and bought the new hardware for the shower and replacement matching faucet for the sink, new towel hooks, toilet paper holder, new toilet seat, flush handle, valves, doo-whichies and doo-ma-bobs, etc. to the tune of $400.
Waving bye-bye to $2000 not so fun necessarily, but something we have saved for, so nothing debted for.
While I was at the big-box lumber store I was happy to see that to just buy the stuff to do the tub & surround in the materials we chose? $1474 plus tax, so it is very much to our advantage to have someone who knows what they are doing being the wrecking crew & installer instead of us. Cost difference is minimal - $136!
Boys and Hubster working hard on the yard this week. We got another load of the ice storm firewood to Dad, and there are probably 8 or more loads left! I bought my crew ice cream sundaes last night to the tune of $11 and change. Ordered a birthday DVD gift for $25ish yesterday off ebay.
Posted in
Kiss My Assets,
The Hubster,
August 24th, 2010 at 07:20 pm
We are busy w/projects here at the house. Spent $145ish on paint - this will cover the three rooms ceilings that need painting & repainting trim in one room, and then painting out living room & bathroom to boring neutral colors. I hate it. By cracky this house better sell after I bust my bum painting it colors I hate!
Contractor bath remodel guy on his way over as we speak to give estimate to replace vinyl bathtub that has cracked. Oh joy!
Prospective Listing Realtor says courthouse does not list our property acreage the same as we were sold and we were telling her that we had to sell. Had to dig out the abstract and old sale papers and will probably end up w/an attorney fee on top of everything else in order to get it set straight.
There has been loads of OTHER stuff going on, but the stresses and strains and actual hours needed to get it all done? Have prevented me from joining you guys here.
Posted in
INFJ Ponderings
June 10th, 2010 at 12:54 pm
Since I was last here...I've been on a weeks vacation in NM and AZ w/the parental units visiting family, then my brother-in-law passed away unexpectedly, then another week's vacation in Missouri w/FrugalSon as Hubster stayed home to be with his sister, then my older brother passed away and we had his funeral.
Many of you may remember my posting about the last time he was in hospital...COPD and diabetes. Give up smoking now and save your family some grief later, okay?
We then spent some time cleaning up brother's affairs and then we (Hubster, FrugalSon and CashHappySon and I) went on another vacation, this time to Arkansas. Now, I'm back in my spot, hopefully for the summer and can catch up with you guys here on Saving Advice dot com!
Vacations? All paid for in cash AND I ended the travel season w/$60 left to put back in the pot for next year's vacations. YEAH for advanced anticipatory budgeting! It works.
Another financial event of note is that while we were gone on the last trip Hubster's final tier of unemployment benefits have ended. We are now totally going to be dependent on our retirement savings, Social Security and his carpenter's pension. I think we've got life covered, but it may run close at times. Saving MORE while you're working? Always a great idea!!
Posted in
INFJ Ponderings,
The Hubster,
April 9th, 2010 at 04:29 pm
As is my custom, I'm behind.  How embarassing!  I will try to post later the money I deposited in my $20 Challenge so far this year. But, let's start where we're at today...
This a.m. cleaned off desk and vacumned keyboard and under, etc. and found .44 to take to the $20 Challenge.
April 2010
$000.00 April balance
+000.44 desk cleanup
$000.44 April MTD
2010 Challenge Total $000.94
Cumulative Challeng Total $2091.53
Posted in
$20 Challenge
April 2nd, 2010 at 09:46 pm
without leave! And then, time flies!!!
Both my parents have been having major health issues and along with others things, so, SA had to sit on the back burner! I've missed you guys.
Posted in
INFJ Ponderings
January 30th, 2010 at 05:20 pm
Photo credit: Juanita Oros
Many of you know I'm of Native American ancestry, this is not my tribe but the situation in SD is one I've just been made aware of. If any of you can help in any way I'm sure it would be most appreciated! If all you can do is spread the word that help would be great as well. It's true there are many people in Haiti who need our help, but there are people here on American soil that need assistance too! National media attention is needed in this situation. Do not be fooled. We are not all 'casino rich' or receiving an 'Indian check' each month. Many do not receive any government assistance.
South Dakota Sioux Tribe Seeks Emergency Assistance After Ice Storm
"Last week's ice storm in South Dakota left thousands without power and water. While many Red Cross resources are being diverted to relief efforts in Haiti, there is still the need for money and supplies in the upper midwest, specifically for the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, which has a full list of needed medical and general supplies.
Power outages forced 35 kidney dialysis patients from the tribe to temporary relocate to Rapid City, and the reservation requires glucose strips, first aid kits and even children's medicine.
The local Wal-mart has sent food and supplies, but in-kind contributions are being accepted. A full list of what the Tribe requests:
•Non-perishable food
•Heat sources (heaters & fuel)
•Camp stoves & fuel
•Lithium 1, 2 and 3 batteries for law enforcement
•Lamps/Batteries/Lamp Oil
•Toilet paper
•Paper products for the shelters
•Hand/baby wipes/Hand sanitizer
Ship in-kind donations to:
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Chairman's Office
Attn: Ice Storm Emergency Supplies
PO Box 590
2001 Main Street (Tribal Offices)
Eagle Butte, SD 57625
You can also contribute money to the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe's emergency relief fund, which has been depleted in the past months. Online donations are currently unavailable.
Mail checks to:
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe/2010 Disaster Account
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Chairman's Office
Attn: Ice Storm Emergency Fund
PO Box 590
2001 Main Street (Tribal Offices)
Eagle Butte, SD 57625"
Text is
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704094304575029450101290726.html?mod=rss_Today's_Most_Popular and Link is
Text is http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com/ and Link is http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com/
Posted in
INFJ Ponderings,
Utility Bills
January 20th, 2010 at 04:39 pm
One of the projects I worked on over the blizzard holidays was our own Saving Advice dot com owner, Jeffrey Strain's pet hunger project, The Penny Experiment.
I mailed off my art earlier this week to Jeffrey once we were able to mobilize ourselves from the snow banks. It does not yet appear on the pages of The Penny Experiment, so you are getting a sneak peek preview.
In For A Penny,
In For A Pound
by Lux Living Frugalis
5x7, mixed media, gallery wrapped canvas
How it might look framed:
I would recommend a much larger gold tone frame, or at least that's how I would frame it myself.
As many of my readers know I am of Native American ancestry and thus tried to use that theme in my project. And, as I am rather a private person I just signed it using my pseudonym here at Saving Advice.
BUT, here's the SPECIAL OFFER kicker, if any one of the members of Saving Advice dot com bloggerdom wins this auction and wants to ship it back to me (it cost me $3.45 via USPS to mail it to Jeffrey), I will sign my real life name to the back of the canvas and give my tribal registration info and will mail it back to you at my expense. Who knows, it may become more valuable that way.
These postcard size artworks, mine and others, will be auctioned to raise money for Jeffrey's hunger initiative on how one man took a found penny that teens scoffed at picking up and turned the nucleus idea of a penny outwards to help feed the hungry. To read more about the project and how to get involved, go to The Penny Experiment at:
Text is
and Link is
There, you'll be able to sign up for notice of when the auctioning begins. Be sure to check out the gallery.
Posted in
Kitchen Dough,
Lux's Groove Thang!
January 20th, 2010 at 03:31 pm
My part of the world was under snow for a long while. We normally get snow that lasts two or three days at most on the ground. Here it is day 27 with snow still piled around the yard! We were unable to attend any of the extended family Christmas events because we were snowed in!
The snow eventually ended up topping the backs of those chairs. Definitely a weird weather pattern for this portion of the country.
Today finds 50 cents on the keyboard. Adding it to the $20 Challenge.
$0000.00 balance
+0000.50 keyboard change
$0000.50 Jan MTD
2010 Challenge Total $0000.50
Cumulative Challenge Total $2091.09
Posted in
$20 Challenge
December 24th, 2009 at 05:11 pm
I went purse diving looking for something in a purse I'm not carrying at the moment and found $.78 cents in there. Taking it to the challenge.
$20.25 balance
+00.78 pearls
$21.03 MTD
2009 Challenge Total $1036.83
Cumulative Challenge Total $2090.59
Posted in
$20 Challenge
December 19th, 2009 at 03:41 pm
Well, I've been busy. Elsewhere.
But to keep ImaSaver company over there on the upper right $20 Challenge corner, I did manage to have that $20 left over at the end of the last month, so I'm adding it to this month's $20 challenge, plus I found a quarter the other day. Adding that in as well.
$20 Challenge
$0000.00 Dec balance
+0020.25 keeping good company
$0020.25 Dec MTD
2009 Challenge Total $1,036.05
Cumulative Challenge Total $2,089.81
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
December 1st, 2009 at 12:49 pm
Tried to make this post last night and it went to blipdom. Trying again!
How much does it cost to stay the night in the Hotel de'Frugalis? Or put another way, how much does it cost to live here each day? $13.68.
Mortgage $000.00 (pd. off 9/21/09)
Insurance $001.59
Taxes $001.66
Utilities $010.43
Daily Rate $013.68*
Monthly Rate $410.40
Yearly Rate $4924.80
I am not unhappy with this figure.
Cheaper than most hotels I can think of.
And, we just lowered our rates when we reshopped our house insurance. And costs may go down further this year as my heating bill just came in way under last year's balanced payment plan figures.
However, it does go to show you how much even a paid for home can cost you.
"You paid off your house! AWESOME - now you're on easy street baby!!!"
It might blow somebody's mind to think it still costs to live here if they don't consider true costs. The actual rate above would be higher still if I'd of managed to figure in upkeep, repair and maintenance dollars.
It's here where I get to thinking of something many of us ofteN overlook or just gloss over:
Cost vs. price.
Figuring out the true cost of home ownership.
And then I get into thinking about Use Value vs. Exchange Value.
In many countries a home isn't thought of for it's dollar value like it often is here in the US, but more for the tradition or use value as a home to flourish in that is purchased for generational use, rather than flipping potential or investment potential.
That being considered, here's a nice calculator on the buy vs. rent debate.
Text is http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/10/business/2007_BUYRENT_GRAPHIC.html# and Link is http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/10/business/2007_BUYRENT_GRAP...
This gentleman's article goes on to help you figure out, if you're in the shopping conundrum of rent vs. buy, how to understand the Rent Ratio. A way to effectively compare apples to oranges. Yes, the article is a bit dated, but the ratio will still work.
Text is http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/28/business/28leonhardt.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1259672607-LbSBif5NPj/m7wXet7y/sg and Link is http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/28/business/28leonhardt.html?...
Okay, so now that begs the question, how much does it cost you to stay in the Hotel of YouAndYours-dom?
Posted in
Kiss My Assets,
INFJ Ponderings,
Utility Bills
November 29th, 2009 at 07:05 pm
Thought some of you might be interested in reading this one about the cheapest cars to own:
Text is http://autos.aol.com/article/cheapest-cars-own and Link is http://autos.aol.com/article/cheapest-cars-own
Text is http://www.me.berkeley.edu/one_wheel_vehicle/Movie.htm and Link is http://www.me.berkeley.edu/one_wheel_vehicle/Movie.htm
Watch that puppy run! So cool! I want one. WHINE!!!
One Wheel Vehicle
Posted in
Kiss My Assets
November 29th, 2009 at 03:18 pm
It pays to dive deep! Oh the things you see when you scavenge all the way to the bottom.
Yesterday's purse cleanout found $1.82 in change at the bottom to put towards the $20 Challenge. There's also a $20 buried deep in the wallet that MIGHT make it over to begin December's $20 Challenge with if I can keep it whole! It's leftover from my $10 a week November allowance. (Can't we afford a bigger allowance? Yes - I've just got no stomach to blow money for no good reason.) There's $50 incoming allowance on Tuesday, so I might just make it.
$020.63 balance
+001.82 deep diving
$022.46 Nov MTD
2009 Challenge Total $1015.80
Cumulative Challenge Total $2069.56
Posted in
$20 Challenge
November 29th, 2009 at 03:54 am
Posted in
Kiss My Assets
November 28th, 2009 at 03:41 pm
DONE-1)Shower, Dressed, Makeup, Breakfast & Vitamins.
DONE-2)House checking & Money Markets checkbooks balanced.
DONE-3)Stop an old autodraft before 1st.
DONE-4)Add new autodraft that will cover auto insurance, house insurance and house repairs their monthly pro-rated amount that we set back. To-do's numbers three & four are the result of insurance shopping that Hubster took care of for us - nice savings included! It paid for us to shop around - our new insurer is AAA. Twice the coverage and about $500 a year less cost! I'll take it! Auto insurance was due for renewal 11/30 so that's all spent, but there should be about a half of a year refund coming in on the house insur.! Old Agent - Send it!! 
DONE-5)Set up CC payments for Dec - 56.14 & 23.15 balances on two cards. We never carry a balance any more. EVER. 69 days TOTALLY DEBT-FREE and counting!
DONE-6)Paperwork filing.
DONE-7)Recharge camera batteries.
DONE-8)New entry here showing my spare bedroom BEFORE & AFTER pics. After repainting the bed and investing in different bed-linens.
DONE-9)Clean out purse.
DONE-10)Sketch out painting idea for Jeffrey's Penny Experiment. Text is http://www.pennyexperiment.com and Link is http://www.pennyexperiment.com
DONE-11)Get old comforter & shams listed on Craigslist.
12)I've been eyeing the closet in the spare bedroom. The clothes/shoes/stored items all need to come out and the walls & shelves in there need a coat of paint. Actually while doing that I need to 'encourage' Hubster to help me change the way the shelving is in there to add some more up top storage - we now have a LOT of wasted space. There is probably wood in the attic that could be used to add some more simple storage shelving. He's not up yet - he'll be thrilled with this idea - NOT!!!
The reason I want to get into this closet is there is a bunch of his parents' stuff that needs going thru and either shared with siblings or gotten rid of. So far, it's just THERE, overlooked and neglected, as it will stay unless I press the issue.
This is their jewelry, his Dad's coin collection, and family photos. I feel bad - he has two sisters who could be enjoying some of their Mom's jewelry. The coins and Pop's jewelry could possibly be worth something as well, and they could all probably use a small cash influx right about now, and the family photos ought to be shared.
13)Work on FrugalSon's & my personal (not House) budgets for 2010.
Okay - that's today's direction. Here we go!
Yesterday was a No Spend Day for the housebudget. Well, it was no-spend if you don't count that we popped off and invested in ING's 2% CDs yesterday. I don't consider that 'spent'. AND, while I had planned to pay yesterday for the meal out w/family, you can't beat my Dad to any restaraunt and pay first. He's a sweet little pain-in-d'patumpkus that way!
The whole way there I was encouraging Hubster to speed up or he'd beat us there and have already fixed it up with the cashier. Sure enough, he was there first. If I'd of been driving, we MIGHT have made it there early enough, but Hubster drives like your Great-Grandma on a handful of downers! I have to read in the car or go further C.R.A.Z.I.E.R. than I already am!
Found out yesterday that Dad will likely be having cataract surgery within the next month or so. If it's on a Friday, sister will drive him. Any other day of the week, I'm his chauffeur, and I'll need to budget gas money for that. Glad to do it - he often takes long driving trips to make his living/playing, it's worrisome enough for my 78 year old Dad to be out driving cross-country, so at the very least I need for him to be seeing well! He doesn't have to keep working, but does like a mad-man. He's a very hard worker.
Posted in
No Spend Days,
INFJ Ponderings,
The Hubster
November 27th, 2009 at 02:20 pm
Today we go to my Dad's town to eat out at a buffet place for our Thanksgiving meal with him and my brother, and take Dad another load of firewood. Not sure if my sister will make it or not. I did just see her the other day as she, Mom & my niece took me out for my birthday luncheon. Last night the Mom & Stepdad parental units came by for general Thanksgiving feasting. Several places to visit/separate celebrations on holidays? Oh the joys of divorced parents! Means we stretch these events over several days!
I'm planning on participating in Jeffrey's (co-owner of Saving Advice dot com) Penny Experiment. Care to join me?
Text is http://www.pennyexperiment.com/ and Link is http://www.pennyexperiment.com/
Do Black Plus Orange Equal Green? YES, today they do!
ING has some special offerings today on Black Friday only.
Text is http://ingdirect.com/BlackFriday/ and Link is http://ingdirect.com/BlackFriday/
Think I'll take the $465ish I've been gathering together for our next CD purchase in our CD Savings Escrow Fund and add a bit to it to get to at least $500 & go ahead and do their 2%/12 month CD.
Yes, we have a line item in our budget called 'CD Savings Escrow' where we put back a bit of money each month towards purchasing CDs. Gather enough together to make it worthwhile and pop off & purchase one.
We also have line items for making 'Savings Bonds Purchases' and another for buying 'T-Bills' and the autoMAGIC ones for our 'DRIPS'. What can I say, I like having lots of various money piles!
And, I'm likely to bite on their $121 bonus for orange checking. Usually not a rate 'ho, but today, I think I will dally w/the orange in order to get a little green in my pocketbook.
I don't particularly NEED another checking account, but what the heck, I'm sure I can think of & set up another goal fund for something!
No, still not a big ING fan, but I'll happily take their money.
Re: their requirement that you make 3 signed debit transacations - does anybody care to comment on the 'where you have to sign for debit transactions', as I'm a little unclear on where exactly those places would be. I'm sure I've signed before at places, I just can't recall any specifics at the moment - brain fog has rolled in. I'd appreciate your comments & suggestions.
Help please?
Posted in
Kiss My Assets,
INFJ Ponderings
November 26th, 2009 at 04:45 pm
I am thankful for all of you here at the Saving Advice dot com bloggerdom! All through the year you inspire me and help me stay focused. I do appreciate all of you so much. The differing perspectives of each of you are such a help to everyone. Here's hoping you all have very nice holidays with your families. I wish you all plenty of enough and MORE! Safe travels too!
In your honor I'm donating $8.03 to my $20 Challenge. Here's hoping it keeps me off the dole in my old age!!
Can somebody pass the turkey please?
$012.60 Nov balance
+008.03 turkey donation
$020.63 Nov MTD
2009 Challenge Total $1013.98
Cumulative Challenge Total $2067.74
Posted in
INFJ Ponderings,
$20 Challenge
November 22nd, 2009 at 03:06 pm
Steaming Past A Thousand! HIPPI-YIPPIE-YAH!
2006 Challenge $126.11 started late Aug
2007 Challenge $402.50
2008 Challenge $525.15
2009 Challenge +$1005.95 Nov YTD
Cumulative Total $2059.71
This will be the first year I've been able to put back over $1,000.00 for the year in the $20 Challenge category! A goal has been reached. Perhaps next year I can get to $1500 or more. Watch out Ima Saver I'm picking up steam!
$0005.53 Nov balance
+0007.07 Steam booster additive
$0012.60 Nov MTD
2009 Challenge Total $1005.95
Cumulative Challenge Total $2059.71
Yesterday was a No-Spend-Day for me.
Posted in
No Spend Days,
$20 Challenge
November 21st, 2009 at 12:11 am
"Ohhh! Now THAT's gonna cost ya!"
"Very few people have knowledge of their true expenses. Because they do not consider intermittent and irregular expenses as regular monthly obligations, their expenses turn into emergencies and financial crises." -Mary Hunt
As we are lately revamping the Frugalis House Budget, I thought I'd give a breakdown on what we put back each month on automotive expenses over and above repair/maintain/replace funds, gasoline expenses & the auto insurance escrow.
Many people overlook these costs listed below and then are caught short when it's time to pay the piper. Some of these things come up at the most inconvenient times.
These are monthly amounts set back for future costs. Yes, I literally move them into savings to hold until the money is all there. I also set back a small bit of money each month to replace our driver's licenses. On the side the date listed is when we anticipate needing these things replaced.
On the car:
Car Battery $2.15 /$50 - 2 years
Car Tires $10.41 / $250 - 2 years
Car Tag $6.95 /$83.40 - yearly
Car Oil Changes $8.75/$105-$35x3 times year
$28.26 per month
On the truck:
Truck Battery $2.15 /$50 - 2 years
Truck Tires $22.22 / $400 - 18 months
Truck Tag $5.20 /$62.40 - yearly
Truck Oil Changes $5.83/$70-$35x2 times year
$35.40 per month
Today was a No Spend Day for me. The housebudget spent money on dog food $11.45 & getting the dog's toenails clipped $5.00 and stocking up on dishwashing soap while it was on sale for 69 cents a bottle & some ice-cream $8.44.
A nice change of events (I'm afraid to call and find out why) but I got our recent electric bill and it's down about $30 lower than usual. I'll take it!
Posted in
Kitchen Dough,
The Pupsters,
Frugalicious Gene (TM)
November 18th, 2009 at 07:31 pm
$000.10 Nov balance
+005.43 addition
$005.53 Nov MTD
2009 Challenge Total $998.88
Cumulative Challenge Total $2052.64
MY $20 Challenge is to earn / save / find an extra $20 per month or MORE to put into my Roth IRA.
Today was a No-Spend Day!
Posted in
No Spend Days,
$20 Challenge
November 18th, 2009 at 05:15 pm
Updating sidebar to reflect latest totals -
as of 11/18/2009:
RV Land Travel $260.22
Houseboat $428.78
Dream Car Fund $743.82
Posted in
Houseboat Savings,
RV Land Travel,
Dream Car Fund
November 9th, 2009 at 07:13 pm
We've grown banana trees for years - technically we're in a growing zone that freezes each winter, so must take them out of the ground as winter approaches.
This year we didn't water them much at all besides the original watering in after planting and the occasional bucket of water I saved when showering. We dig them out and put them in the basement for overwintering. Took some pictures of a part of our crop.
Hanging on fence after harvesting
The ferny looking thing is another plant, a cypress vine, not part of the banana.
These are Hawaiian fingerlings. Had some on my breakfast cereal today. We grow them more for the landscaping qualities, but the fruit is a nice side benefit. They make for great shade on our concrete patio.
Shade & the red thing ? is where the next row will begin budding out
During the last week of October the banana trees were taken out and put away for winter. Come next April out they'll go again. We call it cheap entertainment and a bit of exercise. We often have folks stop and out Hubster goes to give a lesson in banana growing in our climate.
Posted in
Kitchen Dough
November 8th, 2009 at 05:01 pm
Grrls (Lux's Personal) Just Wanna Have E-funds!
$1,391.56 02/18/09
$2,662.81 08/15/09
$3,044.52 08/24/09
$3,194.01 09/22/09
$3,346.03 09/26/09
$3,361.50 10/07/09
$3,408.01 11/07/09
$3,450.18 11/08/09 new balance
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Grrls Just Wanna Have E-Funds!
November 7th, 2009 at 11:16 pm
The Emperor will have no new clothes. At least not for awhile. Up to my eyeballs in calculator tape revamping the Frugalis Family housebudget. Better hope Santa puts clothes on the list for those here who need them as there is no room at the inn for new clothing. Being up in the air over the possibility of healthcare coverage for Hubster sees me throwing all extra dollars into the Medical category until we find out exactly what kind of coverage we'll be able to get.
Nope, not Hubster, he has better knees.
Today has been a No Spend Day.
Yes, we paid off the house, but those dollars are going into future house repairs or updates. For now.
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No Spend Days,
INFJ Ponderings,
The Hubster
November 4th, 2009 at 11:49 pm
Took another load of wood to my Dad today. Afterwards we were talking about getting something to eat before we headed out of town towards home. FrugalSon said, "Today bookkeepers eat free." That meant me, since I keep his financial records. I took him up on his offer. We had a very nice meal at a nice Mexican place - not here:
He did have tamales & an empanada and I had steak fajita nachos. Yums! We're calling it my birthday lunch. My birthday is later on in the month, but hey, it works for me!
Thanks FrugalSon! What a generous soul.
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INFJ Ponderings,