Home > Bookkeeper Eats Free!

Bookkeeper Eats Free!

November 4th, 2009 at 11:49 pm

Took another load of wood to my Dad today. Afterwards we were talking about getting something to eat before we headed out of town towards home. FrugalSon said, "Today bookkeepers eat free." That meant me, since I keep his financial records. I took him up on his offer. We had a very nice meal at a nice Mexican place - not here:

He did have tamales & an empanada and I had steak fajita nachos. Yums! We're calling it my birthday lunch. My birthday is later on in the month, but hey, it works for me!

Thanks FrugalSon! What a generous soul.

6 Responses to “Bookkeeper Eats Free!”

  1. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Sounds like a boy who was raised right. Big Grin

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Very birthday is later this month, too! I guess I knew you were a scorpio. Enjoy your day when it comes around.

  3. campfrugal Says:

    I love mexican. I would actually like to try to make tamales. Good suggestion, thank you. I am always looking for something new to create.

  4. Ima saver Says:

    I am a November baby too, the 23rd. Happy birthday!

  5. PRICEPLUS Says:

    I always love the chicken fajitas!

    By the way I took your advice and finally came back here!

  6. baselle Says:

    Its a secret trait of the frugal - we are the most generous. Heck, right now we are the only people who can afford to be generous.

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