Home > My continued absence...

My continued absence...

June 10th, 2010 at 01:54 pm

Since I was last here...I've been on a weeks vacation in NM and AZ w/the parental units visiting family, then my brother-in-law passed away unexpectedly, then another week's vacation in Missouri w/FrugalSon as Hubster stayed home to be with his sister, then my older brother passed away and we had his funeral.

Many of you may remember my posting about the last time he was in hospital...COPD and diabetes. Give up smoking now and save your family some grief later, okay?

We then spent some time cleaning up brother's affairs and then we (Hubster, FrugalSon and CashHappySon and I) went on another vacation, this time to Arkansas. Now, I'm back in my spot, hopefully for the summer and can catch up with you guys here on Saving Advice dot com!

Vacations? All paid for in cash AND I ended the travel season w/$60 left to put back in the pot for next year's vacations. YEAH for advanced anticipatory budgeting! It works.

Another financial event of note is that while we were gone on the last trip Hubster's final tier of unemployment benefits have ended. We are now totally going to be dependent on our retirement savings, Social Security and his carpenter's pension. I think we've got life covered, but it may run close at times. Saving MORE while you're working? Always a great idea!!

5 Responses to “My continued absence...”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Welcome back! I'm sorry to hear of the deaths in your family. Always sad.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Sorry about the losses in your family. You are right, if you have COPD, quit smoking. My mom checked herself out of the hospital so she could light up...wound up back there in less than 6 hours and died 14 hours later all because she couldn't stop smoking and it damaged both her lungs and her heart.

    Good advice on the saving. Hope you do OK.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Welcome back, you were missed.

  4. dmontngrey Says:

    So glad to hear from you - quite missed! Wink
    Sorry for the sudden passing of your family members. {hugs}

  5. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Good to see you back Lux! I'm so sorry to hear of the multiple losses you've had recently. Frown

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