Home > Dug Out from the Blizzard

Dug Out from the Blizzard

January 20th, 2010 at 03:31 pm

My part of the world was under snow for a long while. We normally get snow that lasts two or three days at most on the ground. Here it is day 27 with snow still piled around the yard! We were unable to attend any of the extended family Christmas events because we were snowed in!

The snow eventually ended up topping the backs of those chairs. Definitely a weird weather pattern for this portion of the country.

Today finds 50 cents on the keyboard. Adding it to the $20 Challenge.


$0000.00 balance
+0000.50 keyboard change
$0000.50 Jan MTD

2010 Challenge Total $0000.50
Cumulative Challenge Total $2091.09

2 Responses to “Dug Out from the Blizzard”

  1. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Glad you're coming out from under the snow! Smile

  2. Amber Says:

    Wow, I have never seen snow but would not want to be snowed in. Glad you're coming out from under it all as well

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