Viewing the '$20 Challenge' Category
January 18th, 2009 at 05:30 pm
FrugalSon found a nickel in the laundry to add to the challenge.
$005.49 balance
+000.05 laundry donation
$005.54 Jan MTD
2009 Challenge Total $005.54
Cumulative Challenge Total $1008.32
No, he's not in the doghouse. I start the clothes to washing and he moves them to the dryer and folds and puts away as part of his daily chores that come along with still living at home. He also does dishes on his nights off and every morning puts away the dried dishes from the night before. He's 22. For those of you just tuning in he also pays a small Room & Board stipend to the First National Bank of Mom Frugalis.
I am feeling some better. Yesterday I was dressed to shoes, with makeup done and everything and think I'll be able to get to the same level of alertness today. I do like the newish mucus relieving medication - sorry, this is gross, but it does thin the gunk so you can rid yourself of it. 3 Thumbs Up! Uhhh, yeah, well, I didn't say it doesn't make you loopy! So....ummm yeah, Two Thumbs Up!
Yesterday I was feeling so much better that I got about 10 items listed on ebay. And woke up this morning to see that one of Hubster's computer peripheals did sell and he's busy packing it up now for shipping tomorrow. It was one of four sets he had bought for resale, so at least he's on his way to paying back the CC.
And a few of the things he had listed on Craigslist have sold as well. YEAH HUBSTER. My deal with this is not that we don't have room, but that technology moves at such a fast pace that it's better to move it along while it is still viable!
FrugalSon is down with this creeping-crud now. CashHappySon came by to pick up his **OMG $968 OMG** cell phone bill & several letters from the bank on overdraft charges!! Did I say OMG? O.M.G.!!!
The boychild is one stubborn kiddo and will only learn his lessons the hard way. Of course the cell phone company cut your phone off! What the holy-heck do you do to rack up a $968 phone bill???????
Yesterday was a No Spend Day!
Posted in
No Spend Days,
$20 Challenge,
The Hubster,
January 16th, 2009 at 04:06 pm
Adding to the challenge:
$004.27 balance
+001.22 change from OTC meds & kleenex
$005.49 Jan MTD
2009 Challenge Total $5.49
Cumulative Challenge Total $1008.27
Medical update: Feeling a tad better today, just can't swallow much without pain and now FrugalSon is getting this crud. Hubster had it first bringing it home from his last week of work.
Prices at the pharmacy for OTC for mucus - name brand $20.99 - generic $7.00. Quite a spread! Guess which one I picked?
Of financial news we've heard of yet ANOTHER possible rate hike on utilities.
Thanks to Princess Perky for reminding me, I just made another KIVA loan.
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
The Hubster,
Frugalicious Gene (TM),
Utility Bills
January 15th, 2009 at 02:41 pm
"A house without a dog is not a home."~~??
Sick, snotty, aching and waiting for the clinic to open. YEACH!
Adding to the challenge.
$004.08 balance
+000.19 change on desk
$004.27 Jan MTD
2009 Challenge Total $004.27
Cumulative Challenge Total $1007.05
Went grocery shopping yesterday the first time since the 26th of December for $135.15 and what did I get? Nothing too exciting just rising prices everywhere. The biggest jump I've noticed is in dry dog food prices which used to run in the $9-10 range are now $13.50-$18.00.
Oh and I forgot to mention that Hubster got a call from his old boss the other day and their plant will be closing permanently and will be liquidated, so there is no going back there! That ship has sailed.
...and now to send you to an interesting place to read with some great monetary cartoons...
Text is
and Link is
...did I mention it's snowing on top of the rest of the pits around here???
It Is!
Off to bundle my sorry self up to my eyeballs and go out and dig out the car and slip off to the clinic. Thank God we have insurance to at least the end of the month then it's on to figuring out how to pay the awful-oughta-be-a-law COBRA fees.
Posted in
Kitchen Dough,
$20 Challenge,
January 9th, 2009 at 04:52 pm
...the axe that is.
I blogged late last month of the possibility that Hubster might be laid off. Well, it happened yesterday.
He's busy today listing stuff on Craigslist that he bought to resell then hopefully off later today or Monday to the unemployment office. He's got a guy coming this afternoon to buy some old stereo equipment. Afterwards we're off to see Gran Torino at the matinee and then out to spend our Christmas giftcards from my Mom at a local retailer. I see new bed pillows in my future with mine. Don't know what he'll buy with his.
Hubster is 62, so could take early SS if he wants to, but we are still 'cussing and discussing' those options. This isn't the end of the world for us as we do have emergency savings, pension options, SS options, 401Ks and IRAs and various other investments and ways to make money at home if the dollar doesn't tank completely!
It would be a no-brainer to go ahead and start drawing SS after unemployment runs out if it weren't for the big difference in our ages. May-December marriages make for some interesting financial discussions when you've never made or saved enormous sums of money. Trying to decide which will keep me into my old age the best way possible is one of the topics dear to his heart during these times. He's been laid off before and we had the same convos then.
Our bills stand currently at a mortgage payment of $353.00 a month if we aren't paying extra to principal and average utility bills of $310.00 a month, and house taxes and home & auto insurance run us $152.50 a month. The basement pantry is full to overflowing so eats are not a problem either.
Here on the desk to add to the challenge...
$002.07 balance
+002.01 desk change
$004.08 MTD
2009 Challenge Total $4.08
Cumulative Challenge Total $1006.86
Posted in
Kiss My Assets,
$20 Challenge,
The Hubster
January 8th, 2009 at 03:02 pm
Diana Dors
Cleaned out the coin portion of the wallet and found .86 cents to go to the challenge.
I always leave at least a dollar worth of quarters in there during these cleanouts. I'm not sure what for anymore what with cellphones and such, but old habits die hard.
Momma always said a lady needed to have money for a phone call in her wallet! At least I could still buy a hometown newspaper if I needed it.
Let's just face it, shall we? I'm old school.
$001.21 balance
+000.86 coing purse cleanout
$002.07 Jan MTD
2009 Challenge Total $2.07
Cumulative Challenge Total $1,004.85
Posted in
$20 Challenge
January 7th, 2009 at 03:04 pm
Sculptor: Tom Otterness
More change on the desk needs to go towards feeding Piggy.
$000.25 balance
+000.96 change on desk
$001.21 MTD
2009 Challenge Total $001.21
Cumulative Challenge Total $1003.99
GRRR! Waitiing on CashHappySon to come over to go with him to pay a traffic ticket. His money, just don't trust him anymore to give it directly to him - it came from his online savings that he has no access to except thru me at this point as he pawned his computer. The judge told him day before yesterday that if the money wasn't there by Feb. 5th he'd revoke his license. First time to ever have a ticket. Speeding.
Of course as his Mom I'm sad & aggravated #1 that he's speeding. #2 that he doesn't have any of his own money on hand to pay it and #3 that he hasn't called to tell me why he's late and #4 I'm just sick of his excuses and #5 that his insurance will go up and #6 that his car insurance premium draft was just refused by the bank. Things are terribly frustrating right now. He's bouncing checks like a madman and refuses to discuss things like a normal adult and is hanging with the worst possible crowd. The discussion got so lively last night that I hung up on him. Hating this!!!
We keep praying that his adult brain cells will kick in anytime now! Pray for us all.
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
January 6th, 2009 at 01:40 pm
While out running errands yesterday I went to the bank and got December's $20 Challenge deposited. Finally places around here are open for the New Year!
From Piggy was $19.63 plus the .50 that was already there made December 2008 total $20.13.
Still need to go back thru checkbook and update the rest of 2008 challenge totals.
I wish I could be as exacting and precise as some of you (Fern especially comes to mind) on keeping these records up to the minute!! BAAA!! I'd resolve to do better, but I'd be lying to us all!!
How do you keep your records updated?
Posted in
$20 Challenge
January 5th, 2009 at 03:10 am
Busy doing a Flylady fling-fest here on all the old receipts and paperwork that just sometimes seems to get out of hand and put into a stash and dash pile.
Feeling the pressure as the 'tax package' came from the CPA yesterday....GAAAAA!!! I'm not ready to think about how hyper-critical he'll be of all my various accounts!
Survived the holidays but of course the house looked like a cyclone blew thru. I've spent the last four days trying to shuffle furnishings around and deep clean all at the same time. It's WINTER cleaning, getting a head start on spring cleaning, doncha' know!
A lady backed into my truck back on the 9th of December in a parking lot. Two checks came from her insurance company totalling over $1300.00 for the tiniest bump you've ever seen. The price to fix these things is astronomical in relation to the size of the boo-boo! Don't know if we'll even fix the truck. Thinking of taking the money and buying a flat-panel TV and with the leftover money buying myself a new front door. We'll see.
Give me a day or two and I'll get a pic up and show you what costs $1300 to fix!
Yesterday was a no-spend day!
Santa finally brought me my inheritance from my Granny (long story and long time coming - she passed away about 9 years ago)! It's the large thing sitting under the lamp, and it's a player one as well. I have lots of great memories sitting with her and singing along as the rolls ran! On the piano are some of the ebay books I've got listed. Only a full basement library to go!!
Adding a quarter to the $20 Challenge - still have to get that record over to the side updated!
$000.25 2009 Total
Posted in
No Spend Days,
$20 Challenge,
December 8th, 2008 at 03:22 pm
"The hardest part of raising a child is teaching them to ride bicycles. A shaky child on a bicycle for the first time needs both support and freedom. The realization that this is what the child will always need can hit hard." ~Sloan Wilson
LONG time - no post! Missed you guys.
Of news: CashHappySon moved out on November 1 and I spent most of that month freaking out as he went C.R.A.Z.Y. by going on a debit card rampage and soon racked up LOTS of overdraft fees. Thing is it wasn't a thing he NEEDED, only wanted.
Luckily, I had gone before he moved out and got my name removed from his checking in the unfortunate knowledge that he'd likely do such a thing! He had to sign a power-of-attorney form of some kind. It's weird, I can still write checks on his account, still monitor it via the internet, but will not be held liable if he bounces! After several tongue lashings from Dad & I, he went and cashed in all his savings bonds to be able to bring his checking even.
Thing one. He owed us over $4100 on his car. After much heated discussion he cashed in his retirement savings (BOO HISS) and paid us off. I didn't want him to cash this in, but I also didn't want to worry myself silly over him repaying us and/or losing it when someone sues him over non-payment of such things as his lease, bills, etc.
Thing two. He still owes the hospital about $1300. I'm concerned whether he'll pay them. He has some money left from his retirement cash in checking and we're discussing having him pay them the $300 or so he has currently in checking. He has an agreement with them to pay them $35 a month. As far as I know he hasn't paid them the December payment.
I am trying to divorce myself from obsessing over his finances. I realize he will have to scrape his own knees before he learns - he's always been that kind of kid.
Once's he's flying straight I will of course feel better, and am actually already feeling that way some as emotionally he and I butted heads quite often and it was time for him to wing free on his own.
For Mom to remember:
"The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them." ~ Thomas Merton
On another front - FrugalSon's job has cut his hours way back. Fortunately his only bill is his car insurance and his room & board he pays us. His insurance will go up next month as he and CashHappy were on the same policy and I want that changed. They are on each other's car titles as well so they could receive a multi-car discount. That will stop. I don't want one to be responsible for the other's accidents, etc., especially with one away from home doing who knows what.
The Hubster's job is somewhat stable at this time, but there have been lay-offs in his shop, but he'll be one of the last two to go if it comes to that. Currently he is eligible for early retirement and we could gather in pension and Social Security after unemployment benefits run out so there is not too much to worry about there.
I recently returned from a trip to the sunny pacific coast with my Mom to visit my aunt, her sister. We had a wonderful stay and I left home with $125 in cash to spend and came home w/$53. That was after I spent money each day for breakfast for me and Momma as Auntie didn't cook - and we ate lunch out each day and saved half for supper each night. Auntie is 82 and doesn't cook. I put $30 on my CC for that dumb $15 bag fee each way. For my birthday (FYI: I passed one of those monumental numbers on the hill climb)Mom paid my way there and for a nice rental car. Thank you Momsie!! My job was to help her with all the heavy luggage and do all the pathfinding and driving and see that we made all of our flight connections, etc. A really nice trip.
Upon our return my stepdad's Mom passed away and we had that funeral last week. He had stayed home to tend her during her last days. We were actually afraid that she might pass while we were gone. She was a neat lady and had been my step-gran since I was about 12.
Hubster and I had our 26th wedding anniversary last week. I renewed his contract for another year!
I'm back selling some on ebay, and am emptying out one of my junque' booths as the sales there were pretty slim!
I will add another entry later updating my sidebar stuff as I have kept track of it.
Adding 50 cents to the December $20 Challenge.
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
The Hubster,
October 2nd, 2008 at 09:49 pm
Adding to the $20 Challenge
$000.00 balance
+001.33 wallet cleanout
$001.33 Oct MTD
2008 Challenge Total $454.04
Cumulative Challenge Total $982.65
I did my end of September personal Net Worth update and I'm down a small bit, which is not too bad considering all the market gyrations! Small enough to be easily recovered.
Posted in
Kiss My Assets,
$20 Challenge
September 26th, 2008 at 06:04 pm
It's been quite the busy month! My brother has been back in the hospital - smoker, COPD, enlarged heart, now w/congestive heart failure, a new diagnosis of sleep apnea & diabetes. He's home now but for how long we don't know.
I can't remember if I've posted about it but both sons who remain living at home have broken up w/their girlios and ManOfTheYear Son who is 2nd of the four boys recently got married. Four boys and a girl make up the Frugalis kiddos, w/only two left at home.
Sorry I haven't been around much to post or even read! I've missed everyone.
Adding to the $20 Challenge
$00.00 balance
$21.38 change & purse cleanout
$21.38 Sep MTD
2008 Challenge Total $452.71
Challenge Cumulative Total $981.32
Posted in
INFJ Ponderings,
$20 Challenge
August 27th, 2008 at 01:47 am
Adding to my $20 Challenge from change given to me by CashHappySon.
$0242.78 Aug balance
+0001.60 change
$0244.38 MTD
2008 Challenge Total $0431.33
Cumulative Challenge Total $0959.94
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
August 18th, 2008 at 04:44 pm
Adding to the $20 Challenge. This money will be added to my Roth IRA.
My Discovercard $20 reward hit the bank and I've got .12 cents here on the keyboard to put towards the challenge. Those rewards should stack up again rather quickly as we've been putting our gas on the Discover Card as they've got a 5% Cashback bonus going right now on gas purchases thru September.
Who says it doesn't pay to look down??
I found the twelve cents. Eleven of it was found in the lobby at the Dark Knight movie last week and a penny that fell in the floor from taking clothes from the dryer this weekend.
$222.66 Aug balance
+020.12 Discover & found & laundry
$242.78 Aug MTD
This is my best challenge month ever thanks to Hubster!
2008 Challenge Total $429.73
Cumulative Challenge Total $958.34
Yesterday I had a personal No Spend Day.
Housebudget bought a newspaper (FrugalSon & I both looking the employment ads over), cold meds, and trashbags at Walgreen's and paid McDonald's for supper. Hubster has the creeping crud of the lunger sort so it's AlkaSeltzerPlus time for him. And there is STILL one corner of the back yard that needs a lot of small limbs picked up & bagged from the ice storm last winter! It's returning to jungle back there and both boys are off today so we've got a plan of attack for it this afternoon if the rain holds off.
In case you missed it last week - FrugalSon passed his driving test FINALLY!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-DOGGGIEEEES!!!
Posted in
No Spend Days,
$20 Challenge,
The Hubster,
August 14th, 2008 at 02:52 pm
I do use & LOVE the You Need A Budget software. Here's a referral link -
Text is http://www.refernow.com/referral/0cd8ca38/35267.html and Link is http://www.refernow.com/referral/0cd8ca38/35267.html
yes, I'd make a little money if you sign up & use it, but the major advantage goes to YOU when you get out ahead of your bills and get your financial life in order! Such an EXCITING feeling!! There's lots of good budgeting and financial advice here as well. An inexpensive solution to a major problem:
Text is http://www.refernow.com/referral/0cd8ca38/35267.html and Link is http://www.refernow.com/referral/0cd8ca38/35267.html
We use the YNAB Pro program. Wonderful support to be had as well from the creator Jesse!
Meanwhile, I'm adding a dime I found to the $20 Challenge.
$222.56 balance
+000.10 dime-a-roo
$222.66 Aug MTD
2008 Challenge Total $409.61
Cumulative Challenge Total $938.22
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
Frugalicious Gene (TM)
August 13th, 2008 at 07:12 pm
Adding to the challenge with $1.75 change from CashHappySon.
$220.81 balance
+001.75 change
$222.56 MTD
2008 Challenge Total $409.51
Cumulative Challenge Total $938.12
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 12th, 2008 at 03:26 pm
Found 20 cents on my keyboard, likely from CashHappySon, so I'm taking it to the Challenge.
Then, we are off to take his little Toyota into the shop for what sounds like a loose wheel bearing.
Afterwards we're heading to the grocey store to shop for tonight's date night - tacos after an outing to see Dark Knight at the matinee. FrugalSon and TheGrrl seem to have covered over a rough spot (her flirting w/other boys) and now CashHappy's girl is giving him trouble. She's awfully young and fickle. I believe that it's her (high) school year starting up and new prospective boys there that have her waffling! CashHappy has graduated and settled into a job that he loves.
They've known each other for over nine years. She thinks she can count on him to be there and date when she wants and to fix her computer and such but when someone more exciting comes along she wants to rush off to them. I've tried to warn him, and he's beginning to see that usually I'm right about these youngish girls and their often times skittish behaviours. You gotta hate it when Mom is right, BUT, what's a Mom to do? Just say nothing? Not in my makeup!
Although she broke up with him on the phone he insists that she come tonight to tell him why! Won't that be comfortable for everyone??? NO! Aggghhhhhh!!! Her question was "Are you still going to come to church with me?" I've tried to tell both boys that some girls like to have "one and a spare". They are beginning to believe me. Her other 'friend' won't go to church with her, he's a bad-boy type so of course he's interesting, but alas he won't sit with her in church.
Here's hoping she's smart enough not to show up tonight.
After our grocery shopping we're planning to run off to the junk booth if I get some stuff priced to do some restocking and rearranging!
It's cool, gray and rainy here today, feeling very fall like!
$220.61 balance
+000.20 change
$220.81 MTD
2008 Challenge Total $407.76
Cumulative Challenge Total $936.37
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
August 7th, 2008 at 03:43 pm
Finally Hubster got around to cashing his bonus check that I mentioned before and giving me MORE than half of it. I'm taking it to the challenge.
$000.00 balance
+220.00 my 1/2 plus bonus check shared
+000.61 change purse cleanout
$220.61 Aug MTD
2008 Challenge Total $407.56
Cumulative Challenge Total $936.17
Yes, he's a VERY nice man!!! I won the prize when I got him. When I told him I was going to put it back, he just rolled his eyes and told me he wanted me to buy myself something with it. Problem with that? There's nothing I really want or need at the moment. A nice place to be for a frugalista!
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
The Hubster
August 1st, 2008 at 09:11 pm
Looking backwards I see that I didn't post our June utility records. And I want to keep going forward tracking those costs here. So here are June & July!
July utility figures for Frugalis Family of four adults (1 female/3 males):
$97.33 CableTV/Internet/Phone
$94.00 Gas
$66.00 Electricity
$38.85 Water/Ambulance
$14.00 Trash
$310.18 July total
The cable/phone bill went up because I added a feature to block all those annoying 800 number calls that were coming in with no one on the other end of the line! So sad that a consumer has to protect themselves this way and there is no way to get them to stop calling you five or six times a day. GRRRR! Anyway, that's why that went up. I did some investigating online and it seems that many people have this same trouble and there seems no way to stop them from dialing! OUGHT TO BE A LAW!
Water bill was down for July because we were out of town for 10 days on vacation.
The June utility figures were:
$90.75 CableTV/Internet/Phone
$91.00 Gas
$64.00 Electricity
$49.40 Water/Ambulance
$14.00 Trash
$309.15 June total
$310.18 July totals
$309.15 June totals
$309.15 May totals
$318.70 April totals
$313.08 March totals
Since I started tracking here the average is $312.05 per month.
I did get a notice from my trash carrier that starting in August they will be taking a bit more on the old autodraft payment to cover gasoline prices.
It's to be expected and they were the one company that had not adjusted their rates since we moved here in 1999! They are well worth the trouble to keep me from hauling stuff myself to the dump which would cost me exactly the same amount PLUS my gasoline & time/energy to do the hauling.
I can't locate the paper at the moment that stated exactly how much they'll be going up but it was rather a small increase and I'd say well deserved!
FYI: I have a two story home w/a walk-in attic & a walk-out basement that has central heat & air. The basement is not heated/cooled but stays at a naturally regulated temperature year round. It's always nice down there!
Upstairs I keep the shades drawn all summer and have curtains over all the blinds except in the kitchen & utility room.
We did put new energy efficient windows in last April. I've yet to do the homework to see if heat/cooling bills have gone down. Funny, huh? I should do that!
With attic & basement space we run about 3600 square feet. We keep 1600 or so sq. feet on the main floor of it 'conditioned' at all times.
We don't monkey around w/the thermostat and it stays set at 72 summertime, 78 wintertime. I use portable fans in the areas we need extra cooling in from time to time and I sleep w/one of those Vornado fans blowing on my face all night every night year round for white noise & I like a BRISK breeze.
In the winter time we do bring up a space heater from the basement to use in the bathroom. 28 days out of 30 we never use it, but sometimes it is extra nice if you've been out shoveling snow or some such and need a hot bathing experience.
I always figure if we're too hot we can take more clothes off or if too cold we can bundle up more!
I wash one load of colored laundry per weekday & Sunday and 2 loads on Saturday (1 whites/1 colored).
Dishes are done once a day by hand. We use cloth napkins.
Computers are turned off every night. I try to unplug everything that isn't absolutely necessary - in the kitchen this means the microwave, coffee pot, tv, toaster, etc. are all unplugged if not in use. In the bathroom hair-dryer is unplugged after each use. Two electric clocks in the house - all others use rechargeable batteries and all bulbs that can be are CFLs.
We have natural gas for heating & cooking.
Some one is home all day every day.
Paid bills today and requested my CashBack Bonus from Discover card today. That $20 should show up in the old bank account in a day or two if not today. When it does I'm adding it to my $20 Challenge.
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
Utility Bills
August 1st, 2008 at 05:16 pm
To finish up July books while cleaning out the wallet last night I added $17.33 to the $20 Challenge.
$005.52 balance
+017.33 wallet cleanout
$022.85 July total
2008 Challenge Total $186.95
Cumulative Challenge Total $715.56
Just went online and paid my mortgage payment. New balance $17,469.22!
Contractual remaining on mortgage 5 years and 10 months. Actual payoff, if we continue paying the $71.04 extra principal per month as we've been doing, is in 5 years. Sooner if we can prepay more as we go along. Today I finally set the payments along w/the extra principal on autodraft. We've been paying the extra little bit for the last year with no problems so I think it's safe to go ahead and make it automatic.  So far this little extra will cause a reduction in the term of our loan by 1 year and 10 months. Gotta keep spinning my web of financial support for old age!
Hopefully I'll be back later today to update my utility bills recording.
Posted in
Kiss My Assets,
$20 Challenge,
July 29th, 2008 at 02:34 pm
Adding 33 cents in small change to the challenge that CashHappySon gave me.
$005.19 balance
+000.33 small change
$005.52 July MTD
2008 Challenge Total $169.62
Cumulative Challenge Total $698.23
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
July 21st, 2008 at 03:20 pm
When I went and picked up my purse it felt like a ton of bricks was in there! So, since my shoulders & whiplashed neck can't take that kind of bloated abuse it's time to clean out the bottom and I found $3.93 in there in small change. Taking it to the challenge.
$001.26 balance
+003.93 bloated feeling
$005.19 July MTD
2008 Challenge Total $169.29
Cumulative Challenge Total $697.90
And BONUS - I found a pair of my favorite earrings I'd been looking for!
Posted in
$20 Challenge
July 19th, 2008 at 02:41 pm
Cleaning out a drawer sees me adding to the $20 Challenge allowing me & my bottom line to cheer up!
$000.12 balance
+001.14 drawer change
$001.26 MTD
2008 Challenge Total $165.36
Cumulative Challenge Total $693.97
Yesterday was a No Spend Day!
Posted in
No Spend Days,
$20 Challenge
July 8th, 2008 at 05:48 pm
While messing about  in the piles of files on the desk we found twelve cents to add to the challenge.
$000.00 balance
+000.12 desk mess-about
$000.12 July MTD
2008 Challenge Total $164.22
Cumulative Challenge Total $692.83
Posted in
$20 Challenge
June 21st, 2008 at 01:49 pm
Bellydancer Suhair Zaki
Got cases of chicken noodle soup yesterday at the scratch-n-dent for $3.88. Only catch? No labels. So, I spent a bit of time yesterday writing the contents on the cans & boxes. Each year finds somebody sick and wanting chicken noodle soup! Other good buy was pretzels 4 bags/$1. And I got Hubster some funky color shoe-polishes for his cowboys boots which are funky colored for .88 a can.
Yesterday my step-dad paid me $50 on the computer he bought from Hubster. These dollars have to go back in the kitty. Sorry Hubster!
This past week I finally got through all the paperwork on CashHappySon's 401-K offerings and got him signed up. Reading them is bad enough but explaining those things to another person is complicated to me, so I fell back on the nice explanation found around page 90 in David Bach's 'Automatic Millionaire' book. We set CashHappy's deferral rate to 18% which should just about match what he's been putting into his Roth.
Still left to do is stop CashHappys' Roth contributions for now. With his car payment, paying room & board here plus trying to save for moving out he can't afford to do both right now.
His 401-K plan does not offer an employer match that I could see. But, it did have a place to set up automatic 1% yearly increases, which we did. Thing is, the kiddo is 19. How likely will he be to stay at this place of employment? Ehhh, not too sure, but we're doing what we can while we can.
Also yesterday we spent some time on the phone with FrugalSon's employee benefits office getting him signed up for health insurance. He finally got some small scrap of paperwork saying the open enrollment dates, which window was mighty short for use in view of vacation plans. There were no written explanation of benefits forthcoming!! BAHHH! It's complicated enough - try doing it without the info in front of you!
Eventually we got him signed up for health & dental insurance yesterday. They offer disability but the lady did not tell us about it and we'll have to call back another day to get a rate quote! Sheesh, it's always something.
Also on FrugalSon's we'll have to adjust his Roth contributions downward by about $30 a month in order to make his small salary cover everything. He's been contributing the maximum, but we'll just have the insurance and lower the contributions for now and if no huge expenses come up during the year attempt to fully fund his Roth from his emergency or car repair savings at the end of the contribution period.
What I want to know is how do parents with 6 to 15 children handle all the paperwork for all their jobs??? Good grievies!!! I'm tired with just two of them still at home!
My parents generation never had to help with all this stuff because it didn't exist back then! They can say life is easier now, which may be true, but it is more complicated and comes with more hoops to be jumped through - what with the limited open enrollment dates and such! PHEW!
For myself there's a problem in my Sharebuilder account which requires me to send a notarized letter. I went to my bank last evening (long hours) and no notary was on duty. I'll be going back this morning to get the darn thing notarized and off in the mail. Due to security reasons it could not be handled over the phone. Pain in the patumpkus!!
This entry reminds me of one of my favorite HAPPY songs - I Wanna See You Bellydance by the Red Elvises! Stop the music from up above & listen to a clip here:
Text is
and Link is
or listen to the entire song & watch them at:
Text is
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iY_Ylj87e3g and Link is
Great Album!
No, I don't think I can dance - but if they keep those hoops low enough I think I can roll through them!
Anybody have any bunion pads? Ben-gay??
edited to add:
Found money in house clean-up:
$022.74 balance
+000.28 clean-up
$023.02 MTD
2008 Challenge Total $164.10
Challenge Cumulative Total $692.71
Posted in
Kitchen Dough,
Kiss My Assets,
INFJ Ponderings,
$20 Challenge,
The Hubster,
June 19th, 2008 at 08:55 pm
With all the rains the drainage ditches around my house have filled up again and the county is out here digging them out. I went out and spoke with the foreman and they agreed to dump two loads of the sand on our property.
There's a spot that the old owner of our property, who owned his own dump truck, put out a lot of old paving. By county order he was supposed to cover the entire bunch of it but never did as there is one probably 20 x 20 spot that he never did cover over. They've dumped one truck load so far and are still out there digging.
IF we can get it spread before more rains come along then maybe some of it will stick down in the craters that the paving has got. Mowing and weed-eating this area has been a pain for over 7 years. Time to get something done.
Not certain if it'll hold as the area sits on a slope, but any is better than none and if it washes it will wash into another area that could also use the help. The burms (mini-levees) by our creek were about an inch away from being crested yesterday morning.
So, if it washes, that's the area it'll head. So - FREE sandyloam stuff!!! We were just talking about buying a dump load of dirt ourselves. If this will work, all the better. FREE is good!
Something else that's been happening this month is that FrugalSon took most of his Economic Stimulus check and paid for driving lessons. He finishes the *fingers crossed* last one on June 30th and they've got a tiny little car that he's going to use to drive during the driving test scheduled for July 1st and hopefully he'll finally pass that dumb parallel parking requirement. He's 21. If at all possible I NEED him to be driving his'onsomeself around! He could never pass it driving his little extended cab S10 truck. Hopefully with their little car it'll be all systems go!!! PRAY HARD.
Today is a no spend day for me!!
We got all the siblings checks cleared on FIL's estate and closed both of the accounts. FIL's & Hubster's joint account and the estate account. It is done except for jewelry, coins, pics. Those will be finished after our family vacation. YEAH, YEAH, YEAHHHHHHH!!!! As my faithful dear readers know I've been gnashing at the bit because we had beauque'$_$$,$$$.$$'s loaned out to the estate w/no interest being paid. It's back in my hot little hands!  YEAHHHHHH!!
We will decide after family vacation what exactly we're going to do with that money and Hubster's inheritance money. Most likely we'll finish funding our IRA's for this year with some of it and I'm not sure about the rest. Some will go to tithe - likely we'll handle that portion by starting either a Family Foundation or putting it into a charitable trust so our tithing will be increased for years to come! I've got a good little sum set aside to make this happen.
Then the rest will go towards ome kind of retirement planning, with the exception of a few minor household things that need doing. Tub & Tile in bathroom appx. $1500 & $500 to widen the return air vent. Other than that it looks like retirement for those dollars. I'd like to do a municipal bond ladder but am not sure I can convince Hubster. Guess what we'll be talking about on vacation?
At the wrapping up, Hubster got the money from the sale of our personal car to one of his brother's two years ago. He was supposed to be making payments if the estate house did not sell by a set date. Well, he never made a single payment.
I never said one word. (A miracle if ever there was one!)
I can hardly eat with the hole in my tongue, canshhhuuuusheee??
So, from brother-in-law's inheritance check we got $2900.00 back. I added a hundred & stuck it in a one year CD this morning.
Rates suck!
It's ideally for car replacement #3. We've already got car replacement CDs for Hubster's car & one for my truck. So, this is for the next vehicle after those so to speak, unless we just need it before then for something. What we do is sell our vehicles outright and then add some money (the CDs) with what we get out of our cars to purchase the next one for cash.
I'm running behind on the $20 Challenge - so I'm cleaning out the wallet($20.50) and adding in some change that was found in various parts of the 'hood (.71) and some ($1.52) that CashHappySon gave me.
$000.01 balance
+022.73 assorted
$022.74 June MTD
My second load of sand was just dumped. Yeah FREE!!!!
Posted in
No Spend Days,
Kiss My Assets,
$20 Challenge,
The Hubster,
June 4th, 2008 at 08:59 pm
Image Credit: L. Palson
Went to the bank this morning and deposited my May Challenge money.
I just added the $33.00 from the May $20 Challenge to my Roth IRA. Which allowed me a chance to again realize that I'm behind on my contributions. BoooHiisss!!
Fidelity will only take round numbers for these deposits so some months I round up and other months I round down, using .49/.50 as my deciding factor. We're half way thru the year, and I need to step up my game.
Time to stop just la-la-la-ing thru life Frugalis!!!
I'm getting ready to redo my budget and increase my contributions there and stop the Ameritrade contributions. I was supposed to have already done that but have just been lazy. So that would get me to 151.00 a month currently out of my personal budget plus the $100 going into it from the HouseBudget. I think I could easily put another hundred a month back myself. I'm going to try. Conceivably w/the challenge dollars I could get close to putting back $333 or more a month. I know we're eligible to put back more than that but that's about all I can do for now.
The only difference is that by putting it in Ameritrade if I wanted something, a travel op presented itself or I just NEEDED something I could conceivably use it. Haven't - but could. I know that if I put that money in the IRA I won't be touching it. So, it needs doing and I'm going to give it a go.
Hardly anyone says that they've put back too much for retirement, right?
Today Hubster and I just did another 6 month CD. Ehhh, the interest underwhelms me!! It was just an itty bit of money sitting in Hubster's ING account doing piddly! I'm sure there are other places paying more but it was easy to do it at ING while I was there doing the next thing...
Today I sent Jeffrey 2 more ING invites for the bonus referrals.
Yesterday was a no spend, no driving day!
FrugalisHouseBudget just paid the auto insurance policy and house policy. Good news is that it's finally doable online. Bad news is I ALWAYS hate turning loose of the money.
Posted in
No Spend Days,
INFJ Ponderings,
$20 Challenge
June 2nd, 2008 at 12:53 am
Getting out of the car from church this a.m. and I found a penny in Hubster's car and claimed it for my very ownsome! Adding it to the challenge.
$000.00 balance
+000.01 car change
$000.01 June MTD
2008 Challenge Total $141.09
Cumulative Challenge Total $669.70
Paid the house payment today adding my regular $71.04 extra to the principal. Will update the new balance tomorrow.
Of note while paying bills is the flyer in our National City CC statement (yes, we use a CC monthly and pay it off monthly). I hate reading that stuff, but it did say that they will be changing our due date around. Not that it would just have a new due date - but that we'd need to check it regularly as they apparently are going to go on some roving change the date around method of trying to trip their customers up into screwing up and making a late payment fee necessary. Pain in the Watusi!!!
Great - something else to watch! May be easier to pull another card from the old wallet, eh?
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
May 30th, 2008 at 04:39 pm
The conversation over on the SavingAdvice.com forums about folks trying to feed themselves on limited means and with limited shopping options has got me feeling all Lennonish this a.m. But, Albert will work! We're ALL needed to fight the gorilla on our joint humanity backs! No man is an island.
"A human being is a part of a whole,
called by us _universe_,
a part limited in time and space.
He experiences himself,
his thoughts and feelings as
something separated from the rest..
a kind of optical delusion
of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us,
restricting us to our personal desires
and to affection for a few
persons nearest to us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from
this prison by widening our circle
of compassion to embrace
all living creatures and the
whole of nature in its beauty."
~ Albert Einstein
The May utility figures are in:
$90.75 CableTV/Internet/Phone
$92.00 Gas
$63.00 Electricity
$49.40 Water/Ambulance
$14.00 Trash
$309.15 May total
April totals were $318.70, so we're down $9.55 this month! YEAH!! 
Cleaning out the wallet to add to the $20 Challenge:
$013.25 balance
$020.17 cleanout
$33.42 May MTD
2008 Challenge Total $141.08
Cumulative Challenge Total $669.69
Posted in
Kitchen Dough,
INFJ Ponderings,
$20 Challenge,
Quoths & Brilliance,
Utility Bills
May 28th, 2008 at 06:19 pm
Adding more keyboard change to the $20 Challenge:
$012.30 balance
+000.95 keyboard change
$013.25 May MTD
2008 Challenge Total $120.91
Cumulative Challenge Total $649.52
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
May 23rd, 2008 at 10:41 pm
I've got 30 cents here on the keyboard to add to the $20 Challenge.
Day before yesterday we locked in our timeshare exchange for this year's upcoming vacation. It is within 4 hours driving time so that won't hurt too badly on the old gas budget. Now it's just a matter of getting all the boys' employers on board with the time frame.
There is alot to be said for never being absent and covering other's shifts for them, and they've both done a lot of that, so, here's hoping! In any case, they're going. If they have to find alternate employment upon their return? So be it.
$012.00 balance
+000.30 keyboard change
$012.30 May MTD
2008 Challenge Total $119.96
Cumualtive Challenge Total $648.57
I've spent a bit at garage sales this week - $8.50 yesterday and $2.10 today.
This morning we spent our time outside doing some brush burning. Still cleaning up from the ice storm. There's still lots more to burn!
Posted in
INFJ Ponderings,
$20 Challenge,