Adding to the $20 Challenge. This money will be added to my Roth IRA.
My Discovercard $20 reward hit the bank and I've got .12 cents here on the keyboard to put towards the challenge. Those rewards should stack up again rather quickly as we've been putting our gas on the Discover Card as they've got a 5% Cashback bonus going right now on gas purchases thru September.
Who says it doesn't pay to look down??
I found the twelve cents. Eleven of it was found in the lobby at the Dark Knight movie last week and a penny that fell in the floor from taking clothes from the dryer this weekend.
$222.66 Aug balance
+020.12 Discover & found & laundry
$242.78 Aug MTD
This is my best challenge month ever thanks to Hubster!
2008 Challenge Total $429.73
Cumulative Challenge Total $958.34
Yesterday I had a personal No Spend Day.
Housebudget bought a newspaper (FrugalSon & I both looking the employment ads over), cold meds, and trashbags at Walgreen's and paid McDonald's for supper. Hubster has the creeping crud of the lunger sort so it's AlkaSeltzerPlus time for him. And there is STILL one corner of the back yard that needs a lot of small limbs picked up & bagged from the ice storm last winter! It's returning to jungle back there and both boys are off today so we've got a plan of attack for it this afternoon if the rain holds off.
In case you missed it last week - FrugalSon passed his driving test FINALLY!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-DOGGGIEEEES!!!
August 18th, 2008 at 04:52 pm 1219078352