To finish up July books while cleaning out the wallet last night I added $17.33 to the $20 Challenge.
$005.52 balance
+017.33 wallet cleanout
$022.85 July total
2008 Challenge Total $186.95
Cumulative Challenge Total $715.56
Just went online and paid my mortgage payment. New balance $17,469.22!
Contractual remaining on mortgage 5 years and 10 months. Actual payoff, if we continue paying the $71.04 extra principal per month as we've been doing, is in 5 years. Sooner if we can prepay more as we go along. Today I finally set the payments along w/the extra principal on autodraft. We've been paying the extra little bit for the last year with no problems so I think it's safe to go ahead and make it automatic. So far this little extra will cause a reduction in the term of our loan by 1 year and 10 months. Gotta keep spinning my web of financial support for old age!
Hopefully I'll be back later today to update my utility bills recording.
August 1st, 2008 at 05:57 pm 1217613460
August 1st, 2008 at 06:08 pm 1217614103
I had it once before with them doing bi-weekly payments but they got slap happy once and drafted four times in one month and screwed up my checking account, so I had stopped that a year or so ago or it was something they did weird, not applying the extra to principal or something that caused me to call a screeching halt. Sufficient time has passed and we have more buffer in our checking should such occur again.
My water bill is one that I have to go online to my bank and they'll pay it for me but I have to go manipulate it monthly as they don't have auto-draft at my rural water department. That and the two CC's are all that remain to be paid manually. I'm down to no stamps for us unless Hubster has the odd doctor's co-pay to mail in. The CC's can be paid online which is nice.