Home > DeClutter Funding Cheers Me Up!

DeClutter Funding Cheers Me Up!

July 19th, 2008 at 01:41 pm

Cleaning out a drawer sees me adding to the $20 Challenge allowing me & my bottom line to cheer up!

$000.12 balance
+001.14 drawer change
$001.26 MTD

2008 Challenge Total $165.36
Cumulative Challenge Total $693.97

Yesterday was a No Spend Day!

3 Responses to “DeClutter Funding Cheers Me Up!”

  1. honeichild Says:


  2. Aleta Says:

    It actually encourages you to start cleaning. I'm personally going to start keeping a jar just for found money just to see how much I pick up in a year's time. Congrat's on the find.

  3. boomeyers Says:

    The pictures you find always make me smile!

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