Yesterday was spent working on a really detailed networth statement and cooking a fabulous Sunday dinner.
On the norm I just catch the various bank accounts & retirement funds, but yesterday went to zillow & edmunds and did a more in-depth look at where we are at starting Hubster's official "Golden Years" with ALL of our assets! Not too shabby. Could of been a lot better, but for us, it's looking better than expected and Hubster was quite pleased with the "If We Cashed in All of Our Chips" numbers. I am too!
One of the things I'd been forgetting to put into our networth calculations is our burial plots. Ours are paid for already but we might end up selling & replacing them in a different location. Depends on if we decide to downsize and where.
Today I've got a To-Do list that far outnumbers five - there are 45 things on my list! Boy, am I behind!!
The majors today will be:
{x}2/3rds - filler now drying - 1)Filler on twin bed veneer. It's outside and up on the working platform.
[X]DONE w/a snafu - 2)Buy paint for above project. - Got the paint, started on back side of headboard. More gray looking than the deep black. I tried to tell the guy in the store that it didn't look right - he was filling in from electronics - but he insisted that it was right based on how dark it looked when dry. It did look dark, but I've got to go back tomorrow now as it just looks like a funky gray on the bed. POOODLES & FARTZWAZZLES!!
[X]DONE - 3)Mail off tube.
[X]DONE - 4)Content placed on my other blog.
[X]DONE - 5)Write & mail off sympathy note to friend's family. Long time ill, she passed away this weekend.
6)Get those newly figured out categories into YouNeedABudget software. I upgraded my software this weekend and we're going to be starting a fresh new budget this month with some newly aligned goals and taking into consideration the different income sources we're firing up. Keeping spending in a tight line will be KEY!! A fine balancing act, if you will. Of course we want to put off withdrawing from our retirement accounts as long as possible.
[X]DONE - 7)Get these entries up on Saving Advice!
Yesterday was a No-Spend Day.
I have a dime on my keyboard to start off November's $20 Challenge.
$000.00 beginning balance
+000.10 laundress pay
$000.10 Nov MTD
2009 Challenge Total $993.45
Cumulative Challenge Total $2047.21
Sicily's baking inspired me and I grabbed out my sourdough starter yesterday and made some fantastic sourdough rolls and I also made a chocolate pie. My fellows thank you Sicily!
While I'm out today I'll be making a bank run and depositing October's $20 Challenge Money. Yes, Pigger squealed again when I violated his inner sanctum!
And, speaking of inner sanctums, remind me to tell ya'll later, but Hubster has a stalker - one of his old fellow employees now hopped up on meth!
November 2nd, 2009 at 06:54 pm 1257188076
November 3rd, 2009 at 02:35 am 1257215745
That is scary about a stalker - especially a meth addicted one. Yikes!
November 3rd, 2009 at 01:31 pm 1257255105