1)Laundry DONE
2)Paint ceiling in Dining Room 1st coat DONE (prep work so Hubster can get crown molding up in that room) Needed because WACKED OUT bug spray man hit the ceiling in here with his bug juice making BIG ugly stains! Saving myself the cost of hiring a painter worth it's price in a post-whiplash neck-ache to a Frugalista such as myself. Ben-gay here I come.
3)CashHappySon's coats & winter wear from basement DONE
4)Cut up last of canteloupe likely for this season before it's gone-by freshness date DONE
5)Hang up clothes on top of dog cage DONE
October 18th, 2009 at 03:08 pm 1255878536
1. Process apples.
2. Plan work outfits for 5 days (3 done, 2 to go).
3. Clean bathrooms.
4. Transfer money to savings.
5. Clean out frig and run to grocery store, unless recovering DH wants to go.
6. Stay off computer and get this stuff done!
Okay you inspired me!