Home > Updating RV Land Travel Fund

Updating RV Land Travel Fund

October 10th, 2009 at 12:37 am

RV Land Travel Fund

$140.99 09/24/2009 beginning balance
$179.65 10/02/2009
$232.34 updated 10/09/2009

4 Responses to “Updating RV Land Travel Fund”

  1. monkeymama Says:

    Lux, I always love that you have a visual with your posts. Big Grin

  2. girltherapy Says:

    LOVE the RV life! My folks had a converted bread delivery van that we traveled in all over the lower 48 in the 70's. A great way to see the country!

  3. LuxLiving Says:

    We had a camper over truck. My Dad sold his business and we went cross-country for an extended trip. It was awesome.

    Would love to have a syncro.

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  4. Ima saver Says:

    Lux, I love it that you are so excited about getting an RV. we have friends that wanted one. They got it and a truck to pull it with. That was not enough, so they got a bigger RV and a bigger truck. Last weeek, they bought a creekfront lot to keep the RV on. I wonder what they will do next?

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