Home > $20 Challenge Desk Cleanoff & Fur-balls

$20 Challenge Desk Cleanoff & Fur-balls

September 8th, 2009 at 04:40 pm

This morning I am trying to find the top of my desk - and on it I find $4.04 in change and a lot of dog hair that the fan blows over here. How does the dog have any hair left? Isn't she living the dog's life? Completely spoiled!

$000.00 beginning September
+004.04 fur-ball change
$004.04 Sep MTD

$613.99 YTD
Cumulative $20 Challenge Total $1616.77

2 Responses to “$20 Challenge Desk Cleanoff & Fur-balls”

  1. mrs. Says:

    That is completely adorable! Can't get cuter than that.

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:


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