Home > Quada! - A Blessed & Relaxed Sunday!

Quada! - A Blessed & Relaxed Sunday!

February 17th, 2008 at 01:20 pm

Adding the quarter from earlier in the week that I drove around in the movie parking lot to stop and pickup. Money is money folks and it does add up. Smile


$008.10 balance
+000.25 quada from the lot
$008.35 Feb MTD

2008 Challenge Total $40.25
Cumulative Challenge Total $568.86

Last night was Valentine's dinner at the BBQ/steakhouse with our SS class - $23.98 which included the gratuity for Hubster and I to both have a very nice juicy GOOD steak and taters and pop.

A nice time visiting w/class members - I've had to miss SS class for the last three weeks because of being sick, so it was nice to get to go out, sit and visit. Hubster and kids have been attending w/o me.

I was seated at the end of the table across from two single guys - one who is going thru a divorce w/2 kids and another who is long divorced w/2 kids. I did my best to keep up the ol' conversational ball and ask them about their lives. I remember those days when I was single and going to events w/couples - it can be sucky! Hopefully they weren't too bored talking about themselves!! Big Grin

After coming home and commenting here on the blogs I went to bed early to read and let dinner digest - it was just enough - not overstuffed like you sometimes get - but just right. On the reading bedside table is: "Your Money or Your Life" by Dominquez. I'm re-reading it again for about the fourth time trying to get into doing ALL THE STEPS to see what I've missed that could be helpful in the ol' monetary quest.

And, "Daring To Be Yourself" by Alexandra Stoddard which points you towards living a life of graciousness and niceities and joy and such. Noting the small things and taking pleasure in them. Nice to be reminded to take time to smell those roses and to enjoy your home and to pick a lifestyle and creating a refuge and peaceful home that is pleasing, warm and loving to you and your family & inviting and welcoming to your friends and guests!

While I was sick I re-read a bunch of my Paul E. Erdman books. If you like money and reading then I think you'd enjoy most any of his fiction books.

I'm up early by myself this morning, having coffee w/the pupster dogs and reading some and blogging here. Off to get ready for church. Still soggy and rainy here. Spent $5 this week having Miss Sweet Black Toffee's toenails clipped. CashHappySon paid $5 for Miss Carmelita Corn to get hers done. It was one of the smoother easy-going times we've had together this month!

Lunch will be Yummy Steak -a chicken fry steak meat w/brown gravy and onion soup mix cooked in the crocko'pot, baked potatoes (foil slipped tightly over the top of the crock & small tates forked and slipped on it, domed lid on tight), green salad, iced tea and cherry cake for dessert.

Hope everyone has a blessed and relaxed Sunday. Enjoy yourself and love on your peoples!!

How about you - do you re-read books?

When it asks you to do literal steps do you sometimes do like me and just skip them thinking they don't apply?

The "Your Money or Your Life" book is a good one to re-read as there is much I missed and/or forgot/forget!! Good to be reminded!

I am going to try to actually do ALL the steps they suggest.

Have you read this book and done the steps?

7 Responses to “Quada! - A Blessed & Relaxed Sunday!”

  1. zenith Says:

    I have not read any of those books, but I love to read so I will add all of them to my reading list. Happy, blessed Sunday to you too.

  2. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    Thanks Zenith!

  3. nance Says:

    I've had "Your Money Or Your Life" on my list for a long time. I definitely want to read it.
    I am also one who re-read books. I have read "The Tight Gazette" many times.

  4. scfr Says:

    I just Googled Paul Erdman --- Had not heard of him before. Looks interesting.

    I don't reread books, but I will sometimes go back and reread portions of non-fiction books.

  5. denisentexas Says:

    I have YMOYL and simply can't get into it. I've tried and tried and just can't. I'll try again sometime. I do re-read books, many times over, in fact. As for doing steps in books, I try but sometimes it's just too laborious. I think that's part of my problem with YMOYL. I want to read it but just can't make myself do it. *sigh*

  6. Bookie Says:

    I'm an habitual rereader and have been all my life. One of the pleasures of literature in my experience is doing just that.

    I read the Erdman novels from the library as they were published, but I had forgotten them. I might go back and review them.

    I'm more likely to follow the steps in a cookbook recipe than I am to adopt the lifestyle changes in something like YMOYL. I own it and read it, but I tend to mine money management books for ideas and perspectives.


  7. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    deniseintexas - try looking at the table of contents and picking the parts that do interest you. There is a bunch of graph stuff in the beginning that could be a turn off. I'm kind of like Bookie up there and mine books for gems. A lot of this book is HOW-TO about determining what is ENOUGH to you, but there are lots of practical steps in there as well for areas to save in. I run across books all the time that just don't speak to me. I think that's why we are blessed to have lots of good monetary authors to pick from.

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