Home > All Too Easily

All Too Easily

January 9th, 2008 at 02:02 pm

CashHappySon handed me $1.16 in change to go to the challenge. He is so cavalier about money it is scary.

$007.83 balance
+001.16 parted with all too easily
$008.99 Jan MTD

2008 Challenge Total $8.99
Cumulative Challenge Total $537.60

Yesterday was a spender as HouseBudget spent a boatload on gas to fill up my truck. I took a load of firewood to my Dad about an hour away and then drove on to my Mom's to restock my junque' booth #2 and pick up December sales at #1 & 2 booths. Phhppfftt...those #2 sales not worth driving for (did meet my rent, got rid of some junk with a little left over*), but it does make me MORE regular in getting down to see her - she lives approximately 2 hours away.

Since both boys were off I took them with me to unload the wood and to see the grandparents, so it was $9.90 at the Golden Arches for lunch for the three of us (just the way the schedule turned out that we were between their houses at lunchtime or we'd of normally eaten with one or the other of them) AND $1.75 in toll charges.

*My other booth did meet it's December expenses plus $62.00 in income. Good thing I'm not trying to LIVE off of this money as it is very irregular! Now to figure out the profit...

Half of the income will go directly to my Roth IRA and the rest plowed back into more inventory.

3 Responses to “All Too Easily”

  1. Amber Says:

    I think it is great that your son is excited about saving

  2. luxliving Says:

    That's just it Amber, he isn't! He'll give his brother or I either one his change that he could use towards his OWN savings. When we ask why he doesn't save it for himself he just shrugs and says, 'there is more where that came from.' He has debts that he could repay with that money and could be ahead of his own game, but no, he chooses to blow all his available cash, be behind in his own saving efforts, etc. He isn't excited, he's indifferent to money concerns.

  3. Amber Says:

    I miss understood, sorry..I just re-read you blog. Hopefully things will change, I have my fingers crossed

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