Home > Mortgage Update - January

Mortgage Update - January

January 3rd, 2008 at 04:02 pm

My Humble Abode Looks Similar to this one

Kelley House by Kevin Milligan

Updating the mortgage balance...

If we continue on the track we're going down we'll shave an additional 1 year and 10 months off the loan, saving interest payments of 807.27.

New balance after payment on 1/1/08 is $19,705.71. Finally, under that $20,000 bar!

Contractual term left 6 years 4 months
Actual term remaining 5 years 7 months

Projected early payoff in July 2012!

And a nearby picture of the recent ice-storm! Hubster did go buy himself a new Stihl chainsaw the other day and while he was off on his Christmas vacation worked about 8 days all day EVERY DAY on cutting up trees in our yard alone and STILL the entire backyard and behind the creek is full of gigantic downed limb piles remaining to be cut up! That was an unexpected expense of apprx. $325 that came out of the Emergency Fund.

1 Responses to “Mortgage Update - January”

  1. sagegirl Says:

    Lux--congrats on hitting the $20k mark or the old "ball and chain" mortgage. I look forward to the day when I can say that--still got a ways to go but this was our first mortgage and we have only been in the house 4 years. But I make an extra prinicpal payment each year, so I am trying to knock down the years on it.

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