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Travel Log

December 31st, 2007 at 11:20 pm

States Are in Red That I've Visited

At least I think I caught them all. There are a few I need to check on because I think I went through a few more as a very young child. So far as I can verify I've visited 58% of the U.S. of A. Will have to get with the folks to check some others that are iffy in my mind.

I'd surely like to clear up that pesky southern sweep from being complete and then I could move on the the next tier north!

Just trying to figure out a location for travel in 2008 and in which state to make my timeshare exchange.

Thanks to Kashi for inspiring me.

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2 Responses to “Travel Log”

  1. koppur Says:

    come visit us in New England! Smile

  2. luxliving Says:

    I would love to! My husband has family in Pennsylvania that we used to stay with when we travelled that direction, but most of them have passed away. I don't think the 3rd cousins twice removed would be as welcoming as his dear sweet Aunties who have since gone to their reward!

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