Home > God Bless Us All, Tiny Tim!!

God Bless Us All, Tiny Tim!!

December 27th, 2007 at 08:09 pm

Tiny Tim, actor Tyler Hynes

Adding results of another purse cleanout to the $20 Challenge:

$08.27 balance
+15.01 tidy-up
$23.28 Dec MTD

2007 Challenge Total $284.98
Cumulative Challenge Total $411.09

Wooooooo, well it looks like I at least more than doubled my 2006 challenge total which was granted only a partial year, but I think I can do even better next year.

Here's to a more prosperous 2008 for everyone! God Bless Us All, Tiny Tim!

P.S. I still hope to get back in the check register and see what I plugged into the IRA for this challenge back in September and October, so these totals may still go up.

Of financial note for my kiddos, this is the first year that FrugalSon was able to make all of his Roth IRA contributions before the end of the year even. Wooo-hoooo!

I'm not certain he can up it to $5000 for 2008 UNLESS he gets an additional part-time job OR he gets a better paying job where he's at or elsewhere. We just took $1793 from his extra well-padded emergency fund and finished making his 2007 contributions. At any rate I am VERY PROUD of him, he's only 21, and it seems he was BORN FRUGAL. He can go without most of the rewards everyone else seem to think so necessary.

I wanted us all to be finished w/our Roth contributions by the end of the year. He may be the only one of us who actually makes it!

I'm updating my various personal savings accounts balances today and I may haul out some from somewhere and plunk it to the ol' Roth. I'd really like to do whatever I'm going to do for 2007 before 12/31. Yes, I know I have til April. No, I don't like mixing my years on this stuff. It confuses ye'ol pea brain.

It's not like I'll go without anything as we still have our joint savings and emergency funds and all those empty CCs, so if all went to pot (God Forbid), we'd still be okay I think. I'm mulling it over.

It's not like I can't get to it if I wanted to badly enough but I've never withdrawn from my IRA. To me it is sacred for retirement only funds and I wouldn't want to ruin my streak.

How about you - do you take money out of your IRA's for other than retirement??

2 Responses to “God Bless Us All, Tiny Tim!!”

  1. merch Says:

    Nope never touch the IRAs or 401(k) except once in my younger days. I took a loan due to some liquidity issues, but the loan was quickly repaid in a few months (probably about 12 years ago).

    Needless to say, I am 38 and other then that one time, I have never touched my retirement accounts. They are sacred to me. My net worth is in 2 places: retirement and house. (I also have not borrowed against my house.)

  2. luxliving Says:

    Merch, we haven't borrowed against our house either. To me the mortgage has always loomed over my head anyway, my thoughts have always been "why would I want to add to the burden!?!" I wouldn't, so we haven't.

    Thank God we haven't needed to - no medical emergencies or anything that causes some people to have to dig that deep.

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