Home > Late Library Book? Watch Credit Score!!

Late Library Book? Watch Credit Score!!

December 26th, 2007 at 04:24 pm

Do Not Mess with the Library Ladies!

Here's a link to an interesting development:

Text is and Link is

Adding to the $20 Challenge

$03.73 balance
+04.54 change on desk
$08.27 Dec MTD

3 Responses to “Late Library Book? Watch Credit Score!!”

  1. fern Says:

    Yep, that's true. In fact, any bill you're late in paying can be turned over to a collection agency, thereby setting in motion a negative report to the credit bureaus. So it's best not to mess around by ignoring any bill, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant it may appear.

  2. kimiko Says:

    Yup, a person can only ignore fines and fee up to around 1.5 yrs. After that, he'll be talking to the collection agency and paying $10 on top of that for letter service.

  3. crazyliblady Says:

    Yes, that's true. In some states, you can actually be charged with a crime. I am a librarian and my library (no, I am not the fine collector) does this thing called "debt setoff" which is some kind of state program that confiscates your tax return, etc. when you don't pay your fines.

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