Home > Feeling Silent & Adding to my Challenge

Feeling Silent & Adding to my Challenge

August 20th, 2007 at 04:16 pm

I've been feeling rather silent lately and it shows here on the blog. We introverted introspectives get like this from time to time. It's nothing personal against the forumites or bloggers, I just get quiet. Anyway, I'm coming up on my 1 year anniversary here at Savings Advice on the 23rd. I may not make it back before then as this is a busy birthday month for those at my abode.

Adding .37 cents to my challenge piggy. Got more change & ones in my wallet that will have to be posted later.

$05.22 balance
+00.37 change
$05.59 MTD

2007 Challenge Total $224.12
Cumulative Total $350.23

3 Responses to “Feeling Silent & Adding to my Challenge”

  1. Aleta Says:

    Well an early Happy Anniversary to you Lux Living and enjoy your day.

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Oh yes, I most certainly do understand about falling silent on occasion. It is definitely one of those defining characteristics of us introverts. Smile
    Anyways, happy anniversary.

  3. koppur Says:

    Happy Blogoversary Sunshine!!!

    I miss reading your posts!

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