Home > High Rent Cheese Trap - Rent vs. Mortgage?

High Rent Cheese Trap - Rent vs. Mortgage?

June 22nd, 2007 at 10:00 pm

High Rent Cheese Trap - Rent vs. Mortgage?

One side weighs in...

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2 Responses to “High Rent Cheese Trap - Rent vs. Mortgage?”

  1. monkeymama Says:

    It's all relative - we chose a mortgage to save thousands a year in a high-rent area and then we moved to get out of the craziness. So we could have our cake and eat it too. Wink
    But a very good article/post. I completely agree with what it sayd overall and thanks for sharing!

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Every single one of his reasons would also support the idea of having a large emergency fund and you could still be a homeowner.

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