Up One Dollar
I'm inching my automatic contributions to my separate 'Bank Run' Retirement account up a little bit at a time.
This month we went from 42.00 to 43.00. Not a large increase but this is how I make it less painful. We'll see how this month goes as I started the Ameritrade Suze Orman dealybop and it may tax my little income beyond strain.
You know like those lycra shorts that just because we can get in them doesn't mean we should trot on down to the Walmart store in and scare the local population. KWIM???
I may have to scale this back again, but we'll see. Let's just keep our fingers crossed hoping that seam doesn't rrrriiiipppppppp!!!
No, $1.00 doesn't stretch me too thin, but the extra $50 over to Ameritrade might!
I plan to go this afternoon to the Antique Mall and pick up my March check and see if there is good news there or not. Sales have been off here since the first of the year because of all the bad weather we had and then since I was sick I didn't get to go restock/reorganize but maybe once or twice since the end of the year and I usually go once a week. Hopefully I'm now up to snuff health wise so that I can work it the way it deserves and thusly increasing my income from it.
Anyway, posted income of $3.67 interest income on that little growing account over on the right for March. When this reaches $1000, I'll be popping it off somewhere - likely into a CD, t-bill or to buy a tax lien certificate or some such thing. This is my 'different retirement basket' than my Roth IRA.
Updated mortgage balance today to $22,443.24 w/expected payoff of August 2012.
April 2nd, 2007 at 02:31 pm 1175524298
heheheh! as my family says: just because you can fit in them does NOT mean they fit!