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Charting The Bank Run Money

February 3rd, 2007 at 05:25 pm

Charting The Bank Run Money

This is an effort to chart the money that is in my Additional Retirement Savings that I add my Bank Run Challenge monies into.

04/dep 05.00 int .00 bal 05.00
05/dep 37.22 int .06 bal 42.28
06/dep 45.05 int .15 bal 87.48
07/dep 41.80 int .30 bal 129.58
08/dep 00.00 int .37 bal 129.95
09/dep 01.25 int .39 bal 131.59
10/dep 06.64 int .46 bal 138.69
11/dep 36.00 int .45 bal 175.14
12/dep 55.99 int .66 bal 231.79

01/dep 36.00 int .84 bal 268.63
02/dep 24.00 int .87 bal 293.50*
03/dep 125.80 int 1.24 bal 420.54
04/dep 39.46 int 1.61 bal 461.61
05/dep 48.61 int 1.89 bal 512.11
06/dep 96.00 int 1.58 bal 434.69**
07/dep 36.00 int 1.93 bal 472.62
08/dep 36.00 int 2.14 bal 510.76***
09/dep 46.02 int 2.25 bal 558.03****
10/dep 52.08 int 2.52 bal 612.63
11/dep 46.96 int 2.64 bal 662.23
12/dep 69.59 int 3.02 bal 734.84

01/dep 42.00 int 3.23 bal 780.07
02/dep 45.50 MTD

Bank Runs Cumulative Total $825.57

*started $36.00 autodraft
**withdrew $175.00 to get started w/
***joined & increased autodraft to $42.00
****used $1.00 to start an additional Emigrant savings account

Hopefully making this a separate entry w/more spaces will make it more useful to read. Once the total reaches $1000.00 I'll be taking it out into the world to invest for my old age.

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