Home > Look At Your Payroll Stub & GET Good & MAD

Look At Your Payroll Stub & GET Good & MAD

January 25th, 2007 at 01:37 pm

Look At Your Payroll Stub & GET Good & MAD

Wow - don't you look HOT this morning!??!


Well, just wait.

I want you to get capital M.A.D. mad this morning. That's right - P.O.d!!

I want you so mad that you're steaming!

Steaming hot that is.

I want you to go and get your payroll stub out of the filing cabinet. (You do have this stuff filed, right?? RIGHT!)

}}}}}frantic rifling of piles{{{{{{

oKAY... I heard that mad shuffling of papers!!

Go ahead. I'll wait on you.

Good, you're back!!

Now I want to tell you about a little conversation the Hubster and I had this past week when I was being headhunted for a nice little J.O.B. in the financial sector.

Afterwards Hubster was asking me how I decided to turn our finances around - the answer "Your payroll stub."


"As a matter of fact it was your health insurance that did it for me."

"auhhhhuuuugguuu (quizzical Tim Taylorish grunt???????)"

"I saw that we were paying more out every pay period for health insurance than we were saving for ourselves. --Way MORE! Like 85% more and it hacked me off royal that the insurance company CEO's
were living in mighty fine houses and driving super nice cars and have maids and lawnkeepers and such and we were barely scraping by.

It was then at that very moment that I decided to get serious about our finances - I determined that we were going to put back more for retirement savings than the health insurance company was taking out.

That is what began our financial turn-around."

After thinking about it, it made me wonder if it will help any of you to GET MAD enough to want to do something for your own future??

My message, dear friends, is for you to look down at your payroll stub and if you aren't saving at least the same as, if not more than, the health insurance company is getting then I want you to ask yourself, "Why do I think more of their future than I do my own?"

Then get angry enough to do the financial footwork - Take The Actions - necessary to get your future on track!

Stepping off soapbox now!

Okay, you can go back to your paperwork filing now. You are going to file that stub back in it's slot aren't you??

BTW, did I mention how hot you look this morning??

Totally H.O.T.!!

(note: cross posted in forums)

9 Responses to “Look At Your Payroll Stub & GET Good & MAD”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Who can afford health insurance??

  2. paigu Says:

    Many of us (myself included) choose the healthplan through work out of convenience, but have you thought about doing your own research and looking into other plans? You might be able to find a better deal, or you might find your work-covered health benefits save you money.

  3. LuxLiving Says:

    Paigu said: "you might find your work-covered health benefits save you money."

    hmmmm...I agree that there may be cheaper alternatives out there for everyone if we'll just do the work to look into it - however, I will respectfully disagree about the benefits save you money portion.

    Only we can make the decision to SAVE our money. The less expensive option only allows us to have the priveliged option of saving that money...if not taken out of the paycheck those additional dollars are then available to us to either be spent or to be saved. We've got to get over this notion that buying something cheaper 'saves' us. It does allow our money to go farther, but unless we put the money away, sadly it will likely soon be frittered away.

  4. debtfreeme Says:

    This is the one place I feel blessed with my current job. The insurance benefits are so good and I only pay $40 a month (just recently upped from 26 when I took a promotion.) The amount we pay is based upon how much we make so the lower paying jobs at the university only have to pay a small portion and those making 100K pay a lot more. I know it could be even better if I went with Kaiser ($30 a month) or something similar but I really like my doctor and with this plan I get him and so much more in terms of my benefits.

  5. LuxLiving Says:

    Lucky lucky debtfreeme your coverage sounds very reasonably priced!

  6. LuxLiving Says:

    Ima, evidently we can't either, but we have it. Although since I'm covered with Indian health care I may just drop myself from Hubster's work is getting to the point of ridiculous and I'm never (knock wood*) sick!

    *Ow - that hurt my head!!

  7. monkeymama Says:

    Well I've ranted many a time, we are saving about $500-$600/month. Our insurance just went up to $875 - can't afford it - so we have lesser coverage at $675. So yes we pay more than we save. But it is private insurance. My boss is a sole proprietor and not greedy at all - be careful where you lay blame - the health insurance companies are GOUGING individuals and companies. We keep having legislation to pass the buck to the employers. What the hell does that solve??? Forcing restaurants to pay their staff medical insurance. Like that wouldn't make the cost of dining out skyrocket. We are the ones footing the bill for the increasingly uninsured too. All the while the insurance companies and even moreso lawyers with their frivolous lawsuits are making bank. That is what pisses me off.

    We have many very upstanding doctor clients - malpractice insurance runs on average $100k/year. This is where a good chunk of our insurance goes - lawsuits and lawyers and insurance.

    We have private insurance because it is cheaper. My boss would take $700-$800 from my check for lesser coverage. I would be covered 100% but my family would cost $700-$800. It's ridiculous. It wouldn't hurt to shop around. We are ahead going private - better coverage at that.

    This is the #1 thorn in my financial side. We had a plan to get decent health insurance (through a government job or a healthcare job - even better) before we turned 40 and our premiums skrocketed. Then our premiums skyrockets prematurely up 40% this year when we turned 30. Like they haven't gone up 10-20% the last 5 years each and every damn year. But anyway, still the plan. If my dh could get a job with no pay and decent health benefits it may be worth it. Seriously. That is what is has come down to. When he enters the workforce finding some decent health insurance will be #1. & he may enter sooner the workforce sooner than planned to help pay for our healthcare anyway.

  8. monkeymama Says:

    Oh I hear you sister!!!

    The only reason I stay at my job is my boss puts about the amount of my premiums into a profit sharing and I am just reaching full vesting. To me it is a wash. IF not for this I'd be out scouring for beenfits - though they are not offered in my field overall. Working at an international firm was not better - I chose private insurance then too - cheaper and better.

  9. monkeymama Says:

    By the way I have Kasier - it is nonprofit. I ain't paying no CEO for a fancy car and house. But the issues are the same.

    Okay - I am done - LOL - sorry - just the my pet peeve really so I could go on and on - damn health insurance...

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