Home > The Bean Strategy

The Bean Strategy

October 26th, 2006 at 02:35 pm

The Bean Strategy

Yes, I met my goal yesterday and have been out already once this morning!

The Bean Strategy is working. Five beans migrated from one pocket to the other yesterday as the laps were taken.

Last night my leg did ache while watching TV, but when I went to bed I never noticed it. Of course, I fell fast asleep soon after head hitting pillow, which we might attribute to the extra exercise yesterday. Anyway, I did not toss and turn trying to get the leg comfortable so at least for the one day we shall deem the experiment a success.

I slept all thru the night which is quite unusual. Sleeping beauty!

Of course, I was dreaming about you!!

2 Responses to “The Bean Strategy”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    way to go lux! glad to hear you were able to get some rest last night; hopefully the bean strategy will work again today.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Good picutre of you!

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