Home > Mr. vs. Mrs. Spending Battle

Mr. vs. Mrs. Spending Battle

October 15th, 2006 at 04:02 pm

Mr. vs. Mrs. Spending Battle

Saturday, October 14, 2006 was another no-spend day for me. Now The Hubster on the other hand (whose spending we are not officially tracking here) spent money.

At the big box home repair place he bought stuff to make mr. fixit stuff go. He did buy something not on the list $2.50 for a new elcheapo measuring tape. So he's not altogether too dangerous to let out in the hardware store alone. He spent $25.07 to fix the faucet, fix the sprayer, and got galvanized nails to put up some trim boards that needed replacing outside. Also he spent $11.93 for vacumn cleaner bags. Goodness me, but can our next vacumn be one of those bagless ones? I hate paying money for something to 'throw away'. The door repairs he did cost zip but the elbow grease and his time! Smile

0.00 spent Mrs. vs. $37.00 spent Mr.

I WIN!! ...and got my stuff repaired! Woo-hoo gotta love being a gurrrlll!

5 Responses to “Mr. vs. Mrs. Spending Battle”

  1. Carolina Bound Says:

    I used to have a bagless and have now gone back to a vacuum with bags. I hated all the dust in the bin; it was hard to contain, and the bin had to be washed or it looked awful. With bags, it's so easy to carefully put it in the garbage and not have to deal with the dust.

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    I had bagless when I first got married, switched to the bag in kind for several years, and have since gone back to bagless. I just ask DH to change it for me and he cleans it up nice afterwards. I get to avoid the dust. I do love not having to change the bags.

  3. tinapbeana Says:

    my grandmother has a rainbow that is 30 yrs old if it's a day. works like a champ. it's the kind that's bagless but has a water resevoir (sp?) that traps the dust. after vacuuming just dump the water down a drain/toss outside/my favorite, in the toilet & flush

  4. Lynda Says:

    We have bagless and it's great. Cleaning the bin isn't a big deal, nor is washing the bin every once in a while.

    However, if you are stuck with a bag model for now, grab The Complete Tightwad Gazette from your library. In there, Amy D. describes her method for recycling vacuum cleaner bags. Sounds like a good way to save some $$.


  5. LuxLiving Says:

    Thanks Lynda - I have all three volumes on my book shelf. I will get it out and look it up!

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