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Four O'Clock and All is Wellllllllllll!!

October 6th, 2006 at 11:18 pm

Four O'Clock and All is Wellllllllllll!!

Four O'Clocks

Well actually it's a little closer to half a hair past later in the day than that! But I've been out collecting four o'clock seeds for next year's flower display! The little seeds look like tiny little grenades - really. They are called four o'clocks because it is about that time of day when the blooms open up.

Also finally got SOME of the iris (some call them flags) that I claimed from my mother-in-law's garden into the ground back next to the little Asian bridge by my creek. Still more to go. They are rhizomes and can go in the ground just about anytime. Just been too busy to get them stuck in the dirt! Did get the peonies planted that came from her yard. Hope they make it!

What does all that have to do with finances? Have you priced flowers at your local garden center lately? OUCH! FREE flowers and planting next year's flowers from this years seeds will save me mucho dollars! I've got 2 1/2 acres of yard with lots of spots to fill with flora if I can. It would cost me major money to do it from store-bought. I even passed on buying a flat of pansies (johnny jump ups) this year. I did plant some seed earlier so maybe they'll be coming on soon if they're going to make it! Wish I had some of that ornamental cabbage to line my sidewalk with!!

The bouganvillea are still blooming here but will soon have to come inside where I'll try again not to kill it! It likes it hot and the only place I have that is big enough to hold them both is my utility room with the family's main entryway (the backdoor) which goes whoosh to let the cold air in quite frequently during the winter time. All I can do is try to keep them alive. I love seeing the hot pink flowers (really the leaves/brackets) in bloom during December!

Tomorrow the banana trees have to be dug up and put into the basement for the winter. We are in a zone that they won't last outside in. However, I did get a nice stalk of bananas this year! Cool-i-o!!

Next week it looks like the morning glory seeds will be ready to harvest.

The all is well part? Today was a No-Spender!

3 Responses to “Four O'Clock and All is Wellllllllllll!!”

  1. Bookie Says:

    All right, I'm impressed. Two green thumbs up!

    Regards, Wink

  2. LuxLiving Says:

    Thanks Bookie - Four O'clocks are EASY to grow. Throw seeds into the ground, the plants grow, bloom profusely and bunch-o-seeds fall from in order to grow again next year all on their very ownsome! I just collect seeds in order to make an additional planting somewhere else in the yard. Otherwise they would pretty much just self-propogate right where they are. I like them because they are so easy and I can expand the display a little bit every year!

  3. frugalelf Says:

    I hear you , luxLiving! Each year I divide my perennials, a modest but growing collection. I like flowers to grow in larger masses so they are more showy. Dividing does this. I never turn down free perennials, always looking for donators in FreeCycle. Most I have in my gardens have been started by seed outside of my potting shed and nurtured until ground ready. They are so expensive to buy at the nursery!! Frankly, I enjoy getting my hands dirty...until the black flies in Maine arrive and then I move to the screened back porch!

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