Home > Better Coupon Savings

Better Coupon Savings

October 5th, 2006 at 10:32 pm

Better Coupon Savings

Just a quick note to log some better coupon savings than my last go which was an 11.50 savings.

Yesterday I bought $68.48 worth of groceries before coupons.

Final cost was 33.98 plus tax 4.55, total of $38.53.

Manufacturer's Coupons was 16.50
Bonus Coupons of 10.95
and Store Card Savings 7.15

Meaning a savings of 34.60.

I can live with that! It took me about an hour in the store and I already had the coupons out I wanted to use.

Part of the length of time was because this is not the store I usually shop at and I have to acquaint myself with where things are located at in the store so I can line the coupons up in the order they fall throughout the store.

I used to do a bit better with coupons, but it's been a number of years since I used them regularly and I don't have a very good supply yet. BUT, I'm working on it!

Also if I'm going to pursue couponing again then I need to buy myself another rubbermaid type check box w/ a handle or a nice binder w/a handle.

1 Responses to “Better Coupon Savings”

  1. Carolina Bound Says:

    Good for you!

    I used to be really good with coupons, too, but then I got more into store brands and unit price. I'm trying to use coupons again, but it doesn't seem like they're as good as they used to be.

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