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Go Go Go Sale!

October 1st, 2006 at 10:56 pm

Go Go Go Sale!!
Round Oak Table Sold

The lady from the antique store I sell at called and I sold my old round oak table yesterday that has been sitting there for a year! So glad that moved on to bless someone else.

What this means for me is I'll have to find something in the basement (never fear it's mounded up down there with Good Stuff) to take over there tomorrow to restock the booth. That table held a bunch of stuff!!

Think I'll take my Morris Chair and the old galvanized cowboy bathtub. I can put some of the tabletop stuff on the chair and loads of it in the tub. Will have to spend a little longer than normal over there reworking the display. CashHappySon is off in the mornings so he can help me haul stuff! YEAH!

This should mean an additional $100.00 of income from the booth! Since it happened yesterday it will be on my September check which I can pick up tomorrow as well. Isn't that great how that all works out?

This is money that I use to stretch out my own personal income of which I have none! Ha! I collect this booth money, the grocery money, the room and board money, my allowance and the household cleaning products & papergoods money and any other money that comes along into my own checking.

I did have another source of income that has decreased over the last 2 years from $720 a month to $360 a month. Last month was the last of those checks, so that income stream has dried up. Sadly!

Anyway, these bits and pieces of money are those from which I fund part of my retirement and other savings and investment projects, plus some of my truck gas, and the groceries, cleaning supplies & papergoods.

August's Check from booth sales was $159.35. I haven't asked how my other sales for September have been going so whatever's above the table sale will be a surprise to me.

It should be fairly good because from the middle of August until the middle of September I held a 30% off Summer Clearance Sale and there were many gaps in what was on the shelves when I went there the other day.

So perhaps there will be an amount equal to August's if not more. Whatever it is as long as I make booth rent $50 & advertising cost $5.00 per month then I'm generally happy with anything over because it means something has left my possession for good and I did try to redeem it without just tossing it away or giving it away.

I do donate lots of stuff to my local women's shelter and the Goodwill, but I prefer to make a little money on the things I can. LOTS of antique stuff in the basement just waiting to GO, GO, GO!!!

Anyway, glad my table sold. I originally paid $125.00 for the table and 6 chairs about 15 years ago at a garage sale. I refinished it for about $5.00 in supplies. We used it for a good number of meals until it just wasn't 'us' anymore and moved on to another style of decor.

I freecycled the chairs last year when I bought a replacement dining set at the auction. The table worked well for my original display at my booth, but it's past time for it AND other things to leave these premises in the countdown towards downsizing for retirement!

Moving On!!

1 Responses to “Go Go Go Sale!”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Haw haw haw... funny picture!

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