Nifty Fifty PLUS!!
Take a good look at that picture and tell me why you wouldn't want to keep up with it? Some people think change is useless. Well, I beg to differ with them!
So, who would think that they could come up with more than fifty dollars in two months time just from loose change that floats by?? Not me! But it's happened.
I mean, I knew that little bits of change add up, but $50 smackers?
CashHappySon handed me .68 cents last night from his 'drive-thru' change found on the ground collections. That put me over the $50 mark. Well, I'm happy to be the recipient!! Thank ye! Thank ye!!! Wheee-doggies, I like FREE money! Don't you???
27.30 balance
+0.68 ground pickin's
27.98 Sept MTD
$50.03 Cummulative Total
Nifty Fifty PLUS!!
September 29th, 2006 at 04:30 pm
September 30th, 2006 at 12:04 am 1159571094
October 1st, 2006 at 08:56 am 1159689396