Home > Blew Me Away!!

Blew Me Away!!

September 24th, 2006 at 11:18 pm


The realtor called me Friday morning and told me to sit down as she had a rather insulting offer. I should say so!!

We have listed FIL's little house for $65,000.00. The offer was for $37,000.00. I guffawed. Really! Right out loud! Waa-Waa-Waa!

You've got to be kidding me? When most houses in the metro area sell for over 130,000.00 and closer to a couple of million she wants to offer 37,000.00???? Funny! I've heard of low-balling before but by that big of a margin? You gotta admit the lady's got nerve.

When I told The Hubster he said "tell her I don't want to sell the garage separate." Funny man! We counter-offered w/a thousand off the asking price. This lady wasn't even in the ball-park and nowhere near the bandstand!! The realtor told her she would tell us the offer, but wouldn't insult us with a contract. but thanks for thinking of us. The deallywho is this lady's brother lives next door and she wants to move nearby. Well, I think about six or seven neighborhoods over she could find something in her price-range. Even her sister-in-law who lives next door admits that her house is not nearly as nice and has no dining room in it, and they paid about 55,000 for it six or seven years ago and it has no garage, and no covered parking, no back covered patio, no fenced garden area, etc. that comes with the FIL house. I would buy this house myself if it were in my town.

I think we'll just wait. The realtor is planning to hold another open-house next weekend. Worse comes to worst, we'll find a leasing manager and lease that bad-boy out.

There are similar houses on the street, one of which is The Hubster's uncle's house and they are asking 69,500 for it and it is ramshackle as can be and FIL's house is move in ready with fresh paint, new carpet and has been babied all thru the years. We should have no problem moving it at or near the price we're asking. This house is no dog.

Still laughing!

4 Responses to “Blew Me Away!!”

  1. carol Says:

    Some people really do have a lot of nerve. Unflippin' beleavible.

  2. JanH Says:

    I know this is totally off the subject, but I loved your picture. Way back in 2000 when my son started college and in the marching band, the average temps in the afternoon were over 100. Not to mention the heat indexes. And they practiced on asphalt. Well, he called me and told me that two tubas in the row in back of him caught on fire. Seems they had tucked their music in the bells and in the intense heat and shiny metal, the flipbooks caught on fire. He said other kids pulled the tubas off the players, pulled out the flipbooks and stomped them out. The director never noticed and the band played on...

  3. baselle Says:

    Yep, real estate market isn't what it used to be, say, circa Oct 2005. She was testing you, though! If you aren't a motivated seller, you might just as well carry it and wait for better times.

  4. debtfreeme Says:

    gosh where do you live? If houses are that cheap i migh thave to move there!!

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