Home > The Penny Tumble

The Penny Tumble

September 15th, 2006 at 06:55 pm

The Penny Tumble

Received in the mail .01 cent in one of those advertising come-ons. Sorry fellows but I won't tumble for a penny! But, uhhhh...thanks anyway! Adding it to the $20.00 Challenge.


23.10 balance
+0.01 come-on snubbed
23.11 September balance forward

2 Responses to “The Penny Tumble”

  1. baselle Says:

    You know, nearly everyday I find a penny on the street just by accident. Sounds like you have the same thing.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    I usually find a penny here and there and I pick it up. Yesterday was a good day -- found a quarter!

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