Home > Could It Be The Death of Shopping?

Could It Be The Death of Shopping?

September 15th, 2006 at 01:13 am

Could It Be The Death of Shopping?

Spent a beautiful day here, working a bit in the yard putting up some little garden fencing that came from F-I-L's house. Cute and it matches the buttercream house paint exactly! Love it!!

Brought my personal budget up to date. Finally - every one of the gazillion accounts here are current with the bank's autodrafts, the budget software, and checking amount all matching! WHEEEEEE!

Another day of NO SPENDING! Big Grin Could it be....

Except of course if you don't count (I DON'T) the fact that I invested a budgeted amount into my IRA in the Bond Fund.

Hummm...well, I must be going to be one of those little old lady investors because darn it, it makes me happy to see those monthly dividends rolling in there!


I also did another laddered CD thingy today as well. Budgeting and executing the plans towards retirement!

4 Responses to “Could It Be The Death of Shopping?”

  1. Bookie Says:

    You know you've crossed the Great Divide when you get as big a thrill out of saving money as you once got from spending it.

    I can identify. Today I made an unscheduled savings deposit.

    $35.00 - leftover from last week's budget
    $28.00 - overtime worked last week

    $63.00 - total *giggles all the way to the bank*

  2. paulettegoddard Says:

    Yeah! It IS gratifying to look at those IRA statements and see the dividends accumulating? Do you have your fund dividends reinvested?

  3. LuxLiving Says:

    Yes Bookie it is a giggle, isn't it?

    This was money over and above my regular automatic deposit contribution, just some extra that I decided to go long on bonds with - in my IRA Bond Fund which was on sale! YIPPE-KI-YA!! In the CD ladder - I locked in some short-term, the majority mid-term and the least amount for 60 months.

    Who knows which way those CD rates are headed, but I like having various timeline scenarios for those times in the future when I might need to tap it. Hopefully I'm doing well enough with my budgeting that this money can ride about earning interest for quite some time to come!! CACKLES joyfully!!

    Oh ABSOLUTELY PauletteGoddard! This goes back to the money as seed thing. You don't eat the grandchildren (more seed money) of your hardworking money. Nor likely the great-grandchildren (oh the joys of compounding.) Maybe the Great-Great grandchildren. But NO, NO NO eating the grandchildren. Bad Mocha!!

    Yes, those you put out to work as well! Dividends definitely reinvested!!

    For now The Hubster provides more than adequately for us, so I don't need the income currently to live on. But, I always keep in mind the 13 year age difference between us. It is statistically likely that I'll be widowed at some point in my life. Trying to prepare now so I can continue to live the lifestyle to which I've become accustomed - namely eating regularly!! Big Grin

    Happy Investing,


    P.S. I also excitedly go long on assorted things like tuna fish, chocolate chips and toilet paper from sale to sale! These I run to the food vault and sock away! Yummy Assets!

  4. Bookie Says:

    Tuna fish and tp are two of my favorite investments as well. I have an automatic buy order on tuna when it drops below 35 cents a can. Smile

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