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Got My Telephone Wheel Greased

September 10th, 2006 at 04:29 pm

Got My Telephone Wheel Greased

I am not the greatest when it comes to insurance and telephone rates, so The Hubster (my hero) does all the rate comparing, shopping, etc. on those two items.

So, about two months ago I get a phone call from the phone company and the guy wants me to switch to something or the other and I try to dissuade him telling him that T.H. does this stuff.

Now, I am a hard nut to crack but he was not to be put off and proceeded to try to talk me into changing to some stupid service or another to which there would be no increase in rates - the bill would stay the same. Un-huh. Sure buddy!

To which I repeatedly answered "NO Thank you - Not Interested. Don't call me, I'll call you. Please take me off your calling list", etc., etc. Sheesh, some people just can't take a hint. I finally said, goodbye and hung up.

Fastforward to phone bill time and what do you know but there is a new service on there!! With a fee no less! Who would have thought it??

I was polite to the guy so it can't have been retalitory, but just plain ol'shoddy business practice! This kind of thing just infuriates me not necessarily for me because I know I'll complain long and loud...but for little old people who just get ripped off! GRRRRRRRRR!!!

Anyway, got The Hubster right on it...

Old Phone Bill = 35.33
Adjusted Bill -26.09
Savings $9.24

Squeaky wheel greased again!! He's my man!!! Yeah Hubster!!

I hate that you have to watch these things like a hawk. Oughta be a law!! ..another law...yeah, that might be just what the world needs. Oh, and more Ninjas.

There probably is a law already. And I'll just go Ninja on the next phone rep who unsolicited dials MY phone!

For fun try this:

But until the phonegod delivers us, call 1-800-TalkToTheNinja!! I dare ya!

1 Responses to “Got My Telephone Wheel Greased”

  1. yummy64 Says:

    I'm sure there is a law. That is such shoddy practise. I hope you reported them to the BBB while you (or the Hubster) was getting it all cleaned up. They are crooks.

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