Home > Quoths and Brilliance, Pt. 3

Quoths and Brilliance, Pt. 3

September 7th, 2006 at 04:03 am

Quoths and Brilliance, Pt. 3

"What I've learned about thrift and frugality I learned the hard way -- by making my mistakes and digging myself out. The present-day benefit of past experience is that I'm not so eager to opt for immediate gratification at the pain of future debt. I'm less convinced that happiness can come from stuff, however glitzy, or that a credit card can serve as a get-out-of-me-free pass. I've learned that wanting is transitory, that having is often burdensome, and that discardiing can be the path to freedom. " ~Bookie, thread Frugal By Nature.

"It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating." ~Oscar Wilde, The Model Millionaire, A Note of Admiration

1 Responses to “Quoths and Brilliance, Pt. 3”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Yes, I thought that was beautiful too. Both quotes actually. Smile

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