Home > Just DO IT!!

Just DO IT!!

September 3rd, 2006 at 09:25 pm

Just DO IT!!

"THEY" say you can save a lot of money if you just fold it over and put it back in your pocket.

Not me man! I find money in my pocket and I'm gonna spend those suckers.

So to just get the month off to a pleasing start I just took a 10 spot and 40 cents out of my grocery money and put it right on over towards the $20 challenge.

What's challenging about that you ask? As well you should. The Challenge FOR ME is to leave it there all month!

We shall see - my pretties. Perhaps I'm a reformed spender and can really be a member of Keeper's Anonymous. This is a test. I repeat THIS IS A TEST. Only my pride will be hurt if I fail.

Any passing grade I get will go straight to paying off the mortgage!

Stay Tuned. Grade will be posted on 09/30.

What? I'm the teacher's pet? You bet your sweet patooty I am! Isn't she loverly?? I mean, aren't I loverly? Yeah well...Toots keep your stinking paws out of Piggy I don't care how cute yo'Momma thinks you are!! (who would dare to deflower Piggy?


...well, it's been known to happen - but always in the dark!)

$20 Challenge - September

$00.00 beginning balance
+10.40 Just Do It (grimace, grimace)
$10.40 balance forward

2 Responses to “Just DO IT!!”

  1. Bookie Says:

    Amazing how long it took me to learn the simple lesson that the only money I save is money I don't spend AND then deposit in an account. Cash on hand is cash at risk, simple as that. Smile
    Oddly, once I remove money from my spending stream, I somehow manage to get along on what's left. And the no-spending Challenges demonstrated I do have the ability to trim my day-do-day outgo beyond anything I would have imagined.

    Good luck keeping Piggy inviolate.

  2. ima saver Says:

    Off to a good start!

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