Home > Zippity Do Daw - Char Woman's Reward

Zippity Do Daw - Char Woman's Reward

August 28th, 2006 at 08:02 pm


Well never let it be said that there are no benefits to doing char woman work! I was cleaning out a bottom dresser drawer when I heard a little jingle.

FOUND: 19.66 I had stuck back there in April in a ziplock baggie. Now why? Can't remember!! Probably going to take it to the bank but must of forgotten it before it ever got there! I love when this happens!

Keeper's Anonymous - Thanks Bookie for going first. My name is LuxLivingFrugalis. I'm a keeper too! I stick money back in interesting places. Hard times aren't going to catch me totally unprepared it seems. I am a Keeper! You're a Keeper Too!!

Yes, I do use ziplocks, but you can see that I put them to good use!!

$20 Challenge

$1.00 Balance
.05 from son who found it in his floor
19.66 ziplock Charwoman's Reward
20.71 Balance Forward


So there --- August Challenge met and August $20 Challenge Conquered!!!

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