Viewing the 'FrugalSon' Category
October 14th, 2006 at 07:00 pm
Caulk Me Baby One More Time!!

YEAH - the guy came early this morning and started doing the caulking pre-paint style. So far it isn't too bad, only one window trim board is rotted out and needs to be replaced that we didn't know about. There is one other one we already knew about. Not too bad for a 1942 house, heh?
We may experience rain at the beginning of next week so I'm tickled to at least have this portion started. I had to pay the paint contractor $940.00 last week - 1/2 of the estimated price.
It makes me nervous to pay someone money when they don't exactly start work that day...so to see the power-washing and caulking done I'm feeling some better after handing over the dollars!
We made the decision to have them do all of the work. We are just exhausted with what painting I've done on the house and what The Hubster has had to do at his Dad's house this year!
Also of note is that the Federalist style corner cabinet that came from F-I-L's house back in July and has been laying in my living room floor has finally found a place in the basement this morning. It's too tall to fit in the upstairs! BooHiss! That's how it is when you live in a house that isn't built to current standard building codes! Well, it isn't too tall - my ceilings are just too low!!
It required a corner of the basement to be cleaned out which required the hideyhole (storm) room to be cleared out first...we did that last weekend. Then it required enough strongmen (The Hubster, FrugalSon and CashHappySon) here to lift, tote and carry. DONE! I can walk thru my living room again! YEAH TEAM FRUGALIS!!
I see progress! While digging out the corner I was able to pull enough boxes of stuff out to start pricing for a basement/estate sale!
Posted in
Kiss My Assets,
The Hubster,
October 12th, 2006 at 03:21 pm
Taco Bell Leftovers

Leftovers. Don't you just love them? I do when they're this kind of leftovers.
No. Not the kind you're thinking...
To the $20 Challenge I'm adding $2.30 that I had left from the $4.00 from FrugalSon's short-term loan payoff. I spent the other at Taco Bell yesterday!
$2.25 balance
+2.30 leftovers
$4.55 October MTD
Cummulative Total $54.69
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
October 9th, 2006 at 08:24 pm
First National Bank of Frugalis

On Saturday I loaned FrugalSon 3.50 in quarters to wash and vacumn his truck. This morning he paid me back $4.00. When I asked him if he needed change back or would he like to contribute the .50 to the $20 Challenge he voted to feed Piggy today! YEAH FrugalSon.
Now this is the kind of interest I like earning on my money!
1.64 balance
+.50 loan interest
2.14 MTD
Cummulative Total $52.23
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
October 9th, 2006 at 03:05 am
Let's try this picture thing again...

Can't get the good pic that shows the whole truck (and the bananas) to show up. Oh well, you get the idea! It has a cute little camper shell on it that you can't see from this shot. Read the last entry in my blog for more about the Car Show results.
Posted in
Kiss My Assets,
October 9th, 2006 at 02:20 am
Did I Mention...??
Nope. I didn't.
Why? Because I had to recharge the batteries for the camera. (and now I can't get the system here to take the picture and upload it! RATS!)
FrugalSon entered his little 1988 Chevrolet S-10 Extended Cab Tahoe Package pickup in the church car show yesterday. He won!! Yea!! It's only just now turned 70,000 original miles and it's a little gem.
He won 2 of the door prizes. One was a big bottle of driveway cleaner. The other was a big sack full of car cleaning stuff, wax pads, air freshener, sprayer for garden hose, wax, some extra high gleam hotrod stuff, etc.
Thank you to our corporate sponsors again - a big Hoo-HA thank you to Auto Zone for graciously donating the door prizes! Team Frugalis thanks you very much!
Then he won Best of Class for 75-Present Truck Division. Woo-hoo! Got the trophy. There were 5 or 6 other trucks entered in this class.
Mom here was especially tickled since some jerk at FrugalSon's 2nd job was giving him a hard time about entering his later model truck into a car show!
Welllllll...phhhtpppttttt and Double phhhppttt on parade rainers!
I hate when people do that!
This is an EXCEPTIONALY GREAT & Hardworking kid I have here and he deserves some good stuff. So Mom is tickled pink he won! No, not the tires, nor the rims, but still... 
He had to leave the car show early to go in to work so I went back over and sat with the truck until they announced the winners and handed out the trophies.
Now ordinarily I stay away from their jobsite while they are working but on purpose because Mr. Snooty made the wisecracks I just HAD TO take the trophy in and let FrugalSon know that he won and let him show it off to everyone! Even baby brother CashHappySon was pea green. Other coworkers gave the big pat o'back and he ate it up!
TAKE THAT Mr. Snooty Snot!! Well, yes of course, I made absolutely certain that Snooty got a good long look at it!
Didn't let him touch it though! HA! :P
Chalk one up for the good guys!!
P.S. Over to the right in the pic is the stalk of bananas we got off of our banana tree today! Also, today was a No Spender! Yeppers!! $$'s still in my pocket.
Posted in
No Spend Days,
Kiss My Assets,
My Corporate Sponsors
October 8th, 2006 at 01:50 pm
Bubble Up! FREEDOM

While FrugalSon and I were at the Car Wash yesterday morning before the Car Show I found two pennies. Adding them to the $20 Challenge.
Also found while there a punch card for a FREE hot dog at the local Coney place which already has some punches on it! I think it's 10 purchases for a FREE hotdog and it's a place I already spend at but no one's ever offered me a punchcard there, so future FREE food, gotta love it.
CashHappySon gave me a gamepiece for an Instant Win FREE Breakfast Sandwich at his place of employment!
Had forgotten that the Block Party would have FREE food. So the four of us had FREE hotdogs, nachos and pop yesterday while there.
I did spend yesterday - $2.61 at Taco Bueno for myself a supper. Fixed everybody else french bread pizzas.
1.00 balance forward
+.02 car wash
1.02 Oct MTD
Cummulative Total $51.11
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
October 7th, 2006 at 01:40 pm
Hot Rod Fever - Forever Young!!

No, this is not about Rod Stewart!
Today FrugalSon is entering his truck in our church's block party Car Show! By joining in he will be entered in a drawing for a free set of tires. Hope the boy wins as he currently only has $9.50 saved for replacement tires. Plans to put more in savings but just isn't there yet. Doesn't need tires right away, but a FREE set would be great! Wish us luck - kid has been polishing & buffing like mad!
We are off early this morning to do a final wash, vacumn & polish before the Big Event! He doesn't ask to do much so even though sitting around a car show isn't MY idea of a good time we're doing it! Tickled that he is showing an interest in just doing something really! All the poor kid does is work, work, work!!
Because of this I made my Bank Run yesterday depositing $2.50 for my additional retirement savings.
10/07/06 $2.50
Posted in
Bank Runs,
October 6th, 2006 at 12:14 am
Short and Sweet

This will be short and sweet. Today was a No-Spend Day. Although I did leave FrugalSon's lights on in his truck and ran the battery down...so it'll cost me some electricity tonight when The Hubster puts it on the charger!
Posted in
No Spend Days,
October 2nd, 2006 at 01:23 pm
Aligned and Up To The Minute

Last night was a bit of a bug a bear. We've had quite a few issues at the boys' job with Managers making inappropriate come-ons to them both. And last night another Manager can't seem to keep her hands to herself. They've both asked her to stop, and finally Mom got on the horn. She will not be happy to see them next time they work, but oh well, into each Mother's life comes a few times when she has to advocate for her kids! Next stop my attorney's office if need be. My kids are not to be trifled with. GRRRR!
Yesterday got FrugalSon's October budget aligned. Yes, aligned. I'm not sure of a better word for it. I wrestled all the money into it's proper spot. He's easy to work with as he can be completely satisfied with no cash to walk around with and is happy to let me massage his money for his future good.
Yes, he did give himself a $20.00 allowance this month plus 5.00 for a haircut. He gets to eat free at work, has gas money in the checkbook, so he's pretty good w/little to no dollars and even when he gets cash out he just sticks it in his wallet and there it generally stays.
He paid his 139.00 November truck payment (yes early) to Mom & Dad and had enough money that he could of made a second one, but I'm really wanting to ramp his Emergency Fund back up, so that got a flat 100.00 this month. And although they could be combined, at this juncture I've just started him a separate account called Money Market Savings. We use Jesse's budget software, "You Need A Budget", and hence are operating in October on the money earned in September.
I just dislike that all three of us - me and both boys' money sits in our checking for a month idle. We are all opening these MM savings accounts so we can get enough cash in a wad to each open ourselves a Money Market account to earn some interest on that money all month and then transfer it on the first in order to pay the bills.
I used to move their money the day it cleared the bank, but that was in the days before YNAB. Okay, I'm willing to operate a month behind on the paychecks but I still want that money to work and earn some interest. Anyway, FrugalSon's MM Savings got 13.45 in September and 26.49 for October.
I moved all his money yesterday to his various savings sub-accounts. All that is left for him this month is to go buy an I-bond. Yes, lousy interest right now, but he was able to buy a small CD this month and still there is enough to do the I-bond. It's a habit I'd like him to get into doing and thus we'll just keep plugging a little into that budget slot and pray that the interest rate will come back up soon.
He was also able to put 45.00 back in his Truck Battery Savings Account which fills up the need for that as he now has 50.00 in there and it can just sit earning money until he has to replace his battery. Next big push is to fill his Truck Tire Replacement Fund which is on the low side being $9.50. He puts back 35.00 a month & has roughly 250.00 currently put back in Truck Maintenance Fund and just got his oil changed last month. Needs to buy an air filter this week though.
Paid his room and board and tithe. Made his Roth IRA Contribution. He has a 403b taken out at one of his jobs. In addition various amounts got put away for Long Term Savings, Short Term Savings, Clothes, House Down Payment, Education, Vacation, Gifts, Truck Replacement, Truck Tag, Medical/Dental/Vision Co-Pay, and Miscellaneous.
Left in checking is enough for his gas purchases for the month of October plus his little buffer. Income from his October paychecks will go into checking and wait for November til they can go to work! Still have yet to check w/our local bank to see what the minimum for opening a MM account is and the minimum balance they require to keep from incurring a fee.
Put that on Mom's to-do list!
Another bear to wrestle. I'm up for it!!
Posted in
September 20th, 2006 at 02:01 am
Went on a scratch and dent grocery shop today. Paid 16.63.
6 pkgs. Lil' Debbie snack cakes - regular size packages at 50 cents apiece (now in the freezer)
2 LARGE pkgs. Lil' Debbie snack cakes at .99 each (now in the freezer)
4 pkgs. of granola bars at 50 cents each w/discount 1.78
4 pkgs. of spaghetti seasoning mix
4/$1.00 w/ discount .26
2 extra long rolls Owens sausage @ 2.50 each
4 bottles of shampoo/conditioner combo @ .50 each
2 large bottles of mouthwash @.89 each
tax .83
16.63 LOVE MY SCRATCH & DENT stores! This is one of two close enough to my house to visit rather regularly!
This was budgeted grocery money, so I do consider this an unofficial no-spend day as I spent no other money besides my budgeted funds.
I never know what the discounted items will be. Sometimes when I get to the car I'll send the boys back in for more, but today I didn't have time.
The boys were supposed to go to a company party/seminar/pep rally type deally-who this afternoon and I took them and no sooner got home than they called for me to pick them back up as it had been postponed. Uaghhhh!!!
I hung up and headed towards the door and then decided why not give a shot at getting a freebie out of this deal? I hit redial and told CashHappySon to get me an ice-cream out of the deal since they had failed to call and let them know not to show up today on their normal day off.
When I got there...free ice-cream!! Ta-da!! I made a vow when I started blogging here not to BUY any ice-cream until 2007, but I never said I wouldn't eat any of the free stuff!

Posted in
No Spend Days,
Kitchen Dough,
September 14th, 2006 at 01:57 am

(Photo Credit: Mark Carson)
Today was a no-spender for me!! !!
I spent part of the day bringing both boys budgets up to date, moving their savings to their various escrow accounts. Marking it off the to-do list is always a relief. They are both so busy that they can't hardly find the time to get to it so Mom is the official bookkeeper. I approve/consult their budgets in a monthly meeting and I do the grunt work, although they do know how and they do balance their own checkbooks.
CashHappySon able to make his first contribution to his new IRA. And still able put back into a small CD.
FrugalSon made two truck payments (he owes Mom & Dad) this month from an extra paycheck last month and also able to contribute to his 403b and to his IRA as well, plus add another small CD.
Go Team Frugalis!!!
Posted in
No Spend Days,
September 11th, 2006 at 11:53 pm
Hiddy Ho There Neighbor
A big Hiddy Ho There Neighbor to My Corporate Sponsors Proctor & Gamble because in today's mail came $37 worth of their coupons for such items as Swiffers, Febreeze, Cascade, Mr. Clean, Dawn, and etc.! Thank you. Thank You!!! This will get my couponing back up and running. Don't know who turned me on to it, but thanks!!
Here's a link to P&G:
Earlier today went to the clothes resale shop with the dudes. I bought them their pick of clothes for Christmas - to put away till then - 3 pairs of jeans each, 2 shirts apiece, and each a pair of dress shoes.
So for six jeans, four shirts and 2 pairs of shoes I paid 90.87 total or 7.57 per item average. Not bad.
They will be styling come the New Year and will have forgotten by Christmas what we bought! NICE to have that out of the way.
This was budgeted gift money we spent, so nothing to wank the budget out of alignment! YEAH!!
Only thing left to buy for them is to fill their stocking...which usually has candy, batteries, shaving cream, shaving lotion, music CD, paperback and cologne in it...most of which can be taken care of inexpensively w/clearance, coupons, sales, or BOGOs!
This was definitely a spending day...
Just home from the Walmart where Frugal Son added $3.00 to his $25.00 Employee of The Month gift card he got from work and was able to get himself a new pocket watch, a pair of jeans and some new black socks. He did okay! The socks were already budgeted for in his Clothes Escrow.
CashHappySon bought himself some new black socks as well (they need them for the job) and it was his turn to buy the dog-food and I had a $1.00 off coupon. He also had budgeted back for Clothes and Dog Food so all on an even keel here.
Of course this is the child (I mean young man) that saw 3400 gazillion other things that he now HAS TO HAVE Moooommmmmmmmm! Right kid. No problem but sorry Charlie...save up your money because it isn't in your budget today, but you can allow for it on your next paycheck if there's enough left over after you pay your bills.
I'm such a killjoy! 

(photo credit: F. Pancake)
All this black sock talk reminds me of that childhood song we used to sing "Black socks they never get dirty, the longer you wear them the blacker they get!" Does anyone know if there are any additional verses? Those are the only ones I ever learned.
I bought file folders and paper for the printer which had gone up in price .62 cents since my last purchase. Uhhhh, price check on aisle 11, I think somebody forgot to roll back these prices!! These two items were already in the Office Supply Escrow budget so everybody got out under budget! YEAH US!!
CashHappySon went by work to see if the boy was there who was going to buy his guitar amplifier. No go on that deal, but both of them got offered some extra hours so home we ran to get their uniforms and now the house is all quiet again. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! Silence - how I love ya, how I love ya silence!!
Posted in
Kitchen Dough,
My Corporate Sponsors
September 9th, 2006 at 01:02 pm
Taking Out The Cash
a/k/a Sweeping Up
CashHappySon and FrugalSon both work at fast food central. They bring home money most every night.
From where?
In the TRASH!!!
CashHappySon found $5.76 last night. The five was from a five dollar bill. FrugalSon usually cleans the parking lot and it too is often full of coins.
I've talked to their manager about it - for one fact - neither work the registers so that's not an issue but I wanted to be sure where this moolah was coming from.
Yep, sure enough, people have their ticket and change in their hand when they go to put their trays up and sometimes cash money goes into the can right along with the receipt.
See - Listen to yo'Momma - don't put that money in your mouth, you never know where it's been!
How wasteful and mindless we peeps can be about our money at times!!
Here's hoping that all of you negligent people will shop our store and throw your money where my kiddos will find it!
Because CashHappySon put the .76 into Piggy for the $20 Challenge.
When you make a deposit please remember, No Checks, Cash Only! 
10.59 Sept. MTD
+0.76 wasteful burger nut
11.35 balance forward
HiHo HiHo down the mortgage goes!!

Try this link to sweep up your own savings:
Text is http://www.metrokc.gov/dnrp/swd/ecoconsumer/calculator.asp and Link is http://www.metrokc.gov/dnrp/swd/ecoconsumer/calculator.asp
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
September 2nd, 2006 at 02:20 pm
Baby Baby Baaaaaaaaaaby!!
My baby boy (CashHappySon=freespender) turned 18 this past month. My next oldest (there are 5 altogether) who is still at home turned 20!
I rushed to the mirror to check for grey hairs and there is only one crazy wild one in the front. Wheewwwww...twas afraid there would be more!! Where did The Hubster hide those tweezers????
Of happy note is that FrugalSon had an extra payperiod in August and made an extra truck payment to repay the family bank. Sept & October are covered for him. Only 8 more to go and the little truck is his, all his!!
In honor of CashHappy's 18th birthday we moved his money from his ING Long Term Retirement Savings Account to a Roth IRA account. He had enough put back to buy into two funds the Real Estate and Financial sectors. We got him set up on the Automatic Pay and so the last of my babies have been launched into adulthood.
Now to see if they will keep it up after Mom no longer has major oversight!
Wondering if any of the training we've been doing will bear any fruit. Both boys still at home have heard Mom and Dad in some pretty serious discussions about the effects losing Dad's pension has made on the household finances.
Hopefully they've heard enough to continue a lifetime retirement investing program of their own! Here's hoping!!
And yaaaaaaas, of course, I'll be right there nipping at their heels as long as it takes to see that they keep those monthly contributions up!
Whadddd'doIlookthateasy?? Not on your life - I'm gonna nag like you ain't neva seen a'fore nor likely to see agin'!! The stress of seeing a lifetime of plans go up in smoke was nigh on to devastating to The Hubster so I'll be sure and remind all of the children to keep their retirement plans in front of them as they go along!

This goes for YOU TOO!!! Are you putting back like you should??? ...please Please PLEASE make retirement savings a priority in your life!!
What? You thought I wasn't talking to YOU? Yagottabekidding!! Get on it Bubs & Bubbettes!! Talk to HR Tuesday morning! Call your Broker! Talk to your Banker. DO SOMETHING ABOUT RETIREMENT TODAY!!!! Stepping down now off of Mom's Rant Soapbox!
But neva fear I'll be back!!! 
Sadly, my baby is no baby any more.
Never too late to start planning on that empty nest:
Now where was I?.... oh yeah, Tweezers!
Posted in
The Hubster,
August 23rd, 2006 at 07:50 pm
Okay so what do you do with a challenge?
You meet it.
Hi Challenge, nice to meet you.
I've been trying to read everyone's scope on the $20 Challenge. Everyone's seems a bit different and tailored for their own needs.
The decision I've made is to try to come up with an extra $20 or more a month to cut my mortgage principal. Well Hello Challenge!!
Now this is sad...
go ahead....
get a tissue. I'll wait...
Okay, I have exactly .34 cents in my wallet. No, really. Only 34 lincolns to jingle in my pocket. But that's where we're starting today the 23rd. Payday isn't until the first. Nine days from today.
Now I do need groceries, but there is money in the checking for that, but the wallet alas is a sad and lonely creature. Not to worry folks, there is a debit card in here as well, along with a coupon for a free party taco, so you know I'm not gonna starve.

This precious .34 is the beginning. Of course,I most likely won't get to $20 this month being that I'm starting so late, but we're going to mount an effort here!
.34 seed money 08/23
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$20 Challenge,