Home > Two Bits a/k/a A Transfer of Assets

Two Bits a/k/a A Transfer of Assets

January 11th, 2008 at 12:27 pm

Two Bits a/k/a A Transfer of Assets

FrugalSon gave me 50 cents yesterday for the $20 Challenge.

"Hey bud, where'd this come from?"

'CashHappy gave it to me!'

I guess I'm grateful that he isn't one of those who just throws his change on the ground???? AUUGGH!!

Don't get me wrong, I like having money to put towards my challenge, but I'd rather they save it for themselves.


$008.99 balance
+000.50 Transfer of Assets

2008 Challenge Total $9.49
Cumulative Total Challenge $538.10

Yesterday was a spender - $82.96 at the grocery and $2.50 for matinee viewing w/CashHappySon of 'National Treasure 2' or whatever the second one is called.

I enjoyed the movie but was agog at the grocery receipt as I had a short list, but somehow was not that effective in sticking with it. However, what I did get that may have sent me over the top was fresh produce that should be healthful to our overall nutrition.

2 Responses to “Two Bits a/k/a A Transfer of Assets”

  1. Koppur Says:

    You always have the coolest pics! Smile

  2. luxliving Says:

    Thanks Koppur! This one is similar to the seal that is mentioned in the National Treasure movie AND representative of the two headed monster I've got going on w/CashHappySon. I'm glad he's not so tightfisted that he can't give, but am petrified at his attitude towards money, as I don't want to support TWO adult children during our retirement years!

    FrugalSon has some health-issues in that he MIGHT always have to live at home, but to think that two of them might because one can't control himself just drives me nuts. Smile

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