Home > Choose What You Want Most

Choose What You Want Most

August 31st, 2006 at 09:55 pm

Choose What You Want Most
Over What You Want Now

I told "Future" that I would post a copy of a slip of paper I carry in my wallet right where the dollarbills go. Here tis:

I made this up myself with a clipart of 'funnymunny'. Do not try to slip it past the clerk at Krogers. It won't work for that. But, it just might slow you down from an unplanned expenditure!

Feel free to copy it off and put it in your wallet. A gift from me, and...

Good luck!!

Let me know if it helps!!

1 Responses to “Choose What You Want Most”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Actually, that is a SUPERB idea! I could use the occasional reminder myself.

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