Home > Hopeful for Reflections of Happier Times

Hopeful for Reflections of Happier Times

January 22nd, 2008 at 03:14 pm

Hubster's uncle on his Mom's side passed away and the funeral is today. I've got to run back to the grocery right now and get some of those throw-away pans.

Yesterday I purchased a spiral cut ham, a 24-ct case of pop, 2 packages of rolls, a jello ambrosia thingy, some creme puffs and today I'm going to bake a potato casserole. That should at least feed our crew and a couple of the out of town relatives.

I spent about $90 at the unscheduled grocery shop yesterday. Of course not all of that is for the funeral, but HARD-TIMES seem to be on the horizon and I'm forever stocking up against it or so it seems!

This was a favorite uncle, close in age, and almost identical in looks to Hubster. Back when they were in their 20's they were running buddies. We had just seen him at one of Unc's sister's funeral and he seemed fine. He's had some illness but it was certainly unexpected. He leaves behind a wife, 2 daughters, a son, and a grandson.

Hubster and three of our sons are going to be pall-bearers so they've got to show up early.

I'm off to scrounge up some pictures I was wanting to pass along to some of the relatives from out of Hubster's parents estate. They are of cousins & their kids and such when they were little.

Maybe they'd enjoy having them more than we, who hardly know them and only see them at the funerals. Now is a good time to pass them back around to those who would get greater enjoyment. And just maybe, they'll spark some moments of reflection today of happier times.

It's also a cold bugger-bear here today, I'm also off to round up some of the boy's long-johns to wear under my pants! So if I look a little lumpy, you'll know it's just a mirage!!

5 Responses to “Hopeful for Reflections of Happier Times”

  1. zenith Says:

    Sorry for your family's loss Lux. You are all in my thoughts today.

  2. JanH Says:

    So sorry for the loss in your family. Thoughts go out to you and yours today.

  3. lost in debt Says:

    Sorry to hear about your loss, I too have had to deal with a lot of death this year. My husbands sister died at 62 of breast cancer in July, my cousin who was 50 died in a car accident in November and my neighbor and friend of 25 years died of ovarian cancer on Xmas Eve, she was 62. Sometimes when it rains it pours, my sympathy to you and your family.

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    My condolences.

  5. Carolina Bound Says:

    Sorry to hear of your loss. Losing a favorite uncle is no small thing. My condolences to your family.

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